Wednesday, October 9, 2013

A Written Report Well Done

Photo: This is why I survive school. MISS MY BABIES @scatteredbones @hedgeehanehan Averil and WHR IS MY DY.
Wtf Marvin just ruined my meal, WTF COME ON I ALWAYS TYPE IN CAPS, SIMI TAKE WHAT RAGE FK OFF. Somemore i'm not even the kind to get angry, boooooo he sux. okay la whatever. Actually he is wonderful, he did like more than half of the Written Report, I STILL DID A1 TO A4 PLUS THE BLUEPRINTS AND THE DRAWINGS. I'm so proud of my group, at last WR IS FKING DONE. Can't believe even Alfred did some contributions. Thank God for this group. :)

Photo: @scatteredbones heehehehh no filter. BANANA FUN.
Now my rooms smells like fish, yes I had fish for dinner. Anyway right, yesterday I audi-ed with MH AND SHERMIN. :) Whr's my danying and sheralyn huhh. Today was damn tired I swear, go to school and slept in the morning. Thankfully assembly was in the hall so it was cool. Then had maths did Differentiation and Integration. Shit I really must study, I need to study. T-T Another thing is the minister meeting thing, I finally found Joshua to replace Shalom now need another one. AHH.

Photo: DINNER :P
Had mother tongue mock exam after school, 3 fking hours, 2pm to 5pm. D: That's allll. I swear ah the ants in my room must maintain. MUM COOKED DELICIOUS DINNER. :P

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