Sunday, October 20, 2013

A Quick Prick.

Today isn't a very good day for me, I just feel so -nothing is going my way- kind of feeling. My neighbour died today, I feel really horrible because we're like close neighbours. Furthermore, I don't know, my heart kinda died a little inside when ahh, I shall not mention him anymore, call it quits? I really can't take this. Like finally I like this guy after such a long time, but like, I feel quite disappointed cause he isn't what I thought he was.

The feeling, it's like a prick in the chest. Really sad luh.. But you know, someday my prince will come, someday, someday we'll meet again, and away to his castle I'll go, to be happy forever I know. Some day when spring is here, we'll find our love anew, and the birds will sing and wedding bells ring, someday my prince will come. -Snow White.

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