Tuesday, October 22, 2013

A Weight Loss Craze.

So Monday, which was yesterday, I went to school for nothing. Like seriously, nothing. Except the part whereby I was practicing oral presentation with my group after school for like 1 and a half hours. When I went home, I went crazy about losing weight, like wtf is wrong with me, must be because of my period. Suddenly, I felt like eating, suddenly I felt like losing weight like crazy. I exercised like mad yesterday you know!

Photo: Hehehhhh 12B1
Today, had a presentation, after presenting my project work, I guess I don't really feel scared anymore, it just feels natural. Even during the Q and A (the scariest part for most people.), I felt like "ok whatever, lets just get this over and done with.", it actually feels like conversing with the fake examiner. Then during break, I fking ate vegetables and fish and super spicy tomyum soup. NO CARBS YAY. And then I had stomach ache cause of the spicy soup. BUT I LOVE SPICY.

Photo: FROM @scatteredbones during Chinese class. ❤️
Mother tongue was so fun, we got to write cards (BUT IN CHINESE) for our classmates. :D Then I went home! TMR IDK IF IM GNG TO SCHL ANOT, SIAN SIA. ZZZ BUT GOT PW. ):

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