Monday, October 14, 2013

A Minister Meet

Photo: SLEEPTIME.  minister awaits.?
Therefore I conclude that, TODAY IS A VERY TIRING DAY. Met the minister of education today, he is actually quite short. And ofcourse i grew fatter, as usual, because I ate so much. I can still feel the vegetables and fish floating around my stomach, haven even digest, fkfkfkfk. Just don't digest la k, shit it all out. wtf am I saying. :/ hahahaha.

During maths I just couldn't keep myself awake, my headache was getting worse. I felt like fainting, how is this possible, maybe because I don't drink enough water. My skin is dry as fk, once again. Anyway, tmr is a public holiday, God bless public holidays, really. One thing, as you guys know I really like someone, well, I don't like like the person anymore, I have someone else in mind. ;)

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