Saturday, October 19, 2013

A Day of TV Shows.

Photo: That's right.
I knew you were trouble when you walked in. Yeaaa, I am trouble myself, I am literally a walking distraction. At home, I'm distracted away from studying because of the bed, the laptop, the tv and my toys. In school, I'm distracted by the imaginations that come out from no where, and then I start drawing flowers and people on my notes. So, then in the library, GUESS WHAT DISTRACTS ME? Other books, I will be like drawn to them, those language books (spanish, german, italian), cook books, interior design books. Like what the flying fuck.

Anyway, yesterday night I watched THE TOMORROW PEOPLE (MUST WATCH.), REIGN (MUST WATCH), VAMPIRE DIARIES (100% PLUS CHOP MUST WATCH) AND THE ORIGINALS (YES BABY WATCH THIS SHIT.). AND ALSO, REVOLUTION. Waiting for my Lost Girl to come out leyyy. 11 November, pfffff. That's the day when my A Level exams for this year ends. :D Then I can like play my heart out! Until school starts again. If I can promote luh. So sheralyn and I plan to get event jobs together during the holidays, because of our tight scheduled vacation overseas filled plus chalet holiday.

Photo: Stay in or Night out?
So then, I won't be using whatsapp unless its for my project work. Or unless you're like some special person I like alot or something. (Which there is no one.) Whatever, you guys will be getting exam texts from me soon. If I don't send  you one, it just means that you're not that important. :/ Kidding kidding, it could be that I accidentally forgot about you! Ciao, mmmm my mum is cooking delicious dinner, CAN'T WAIT. PLUS DUNKIN' DONUTS I BOUGHT, LIFE IS GOOD. (for now.)

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