Friday, October 18, 2013

A Results Day

Photo: During MOB in the morning with @scatteredbones using @huangpotato 's phone.
One way or another, I either promote, I either advance or retain or I don't know, cause the school don't wanna tell us. I mean like, BITCH COME ON TELL US ALREADY, I JUST WANNA KNOW NOW, GIVE ME THE EITHER GOOD NEWS OR BAD NEWS. No matter what happens I'm just going to continue living my life, unless I die in some accident or something. School today was, mehh. Not gonna tell you my results, unless you ask!

Photo: Just feel my pain.
I'm just fking growing fat. zzzzz.
Had facial after school, woa the facial is damn good? I thought the extraction part was gonna be painful like the last facial I did, but apparently, NOT EVEN ONE BIT PAIN. Cause I think they use some machine or something, idk I was like half asleep. Okay, maybe I'm gna club later~ See you guys at which ever club we might coincidentally meet at! :) Shall watch my Vamp Diaries and Originals now~

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