Monday, October 7, 2013

A Great & Pissed Weekend

Photo: @vxmpira @cerabutterjam @sherburnt

Friends, my phone has problems so I can't reply anyone or listen to music or whatever shit the phone does. D: It's damn sad... Anyway right, so I'm gna tell you all about my weekend. So where did I left off, ohyes thursday, I went out with meg. Friday, went to the airport with meg and sheryl to fetch and welcome cera to Singapore, and proceeded to my house. After that we went out to amkhub to buy ingredients and kelvin came along. Then went back to my house.

Photo: @vxmpira whoopwhoop on the ice!
Photo: @ryanryany tsk tsk tsk
At my house, cera cooked like a motherlymum with the help of sheryl while the rest of us just played cards. Cera cooked delish dinner! :P After that we went to Yishun North Point, then back to amkhub to have ice cream and back to my house. So basically we travelled back and forth. Not to mention ya, Ryan came also. Its like a Fam outing. Plus this is my third time hosting a foreigner hhahahahaa.

Photo: Look at Ryan's eyes. @vxmpira @cerabutterjam @ryanryany @sofaralready @sherburnt
The next day, we went to play arcade and ice skating at Kallang Leisure Park. hahaha, alot of ppl dk how to skate, its funny alright. Together with the same ppl I went out with on Friday. Happy because I CAN GO ICE SKATING AGAIN. :D Then we went to dhoby and then to cine and played at Play Nation and then went home, because parents nag at me. zzz.

Sunday, went to church with family and cera came along. She said it's a different experience for her. Though I slept throughout. I mean hello, I'm damn tired ley... :/ Then went to meet the same ppl at Nex, everyone late except for Cera and I. Don't like ppl late ley. >:( Aiya but nevermind, i'm quite patient hahaha. We went lan at chambers at dhoby and then went ktv then went ps then went home. The chambers suckballs k, its so, I mean I expected more.

My laptop screen is like 1/3 the size of their fricking giant screen. Like how the hell am I suppose to play and see everything at once?? Somemore so damn lag, seriously. Plus my phone fking spoiled on that day, plus my parents kept nagging at me. I tell you rlly want to just ughh. Cera and I were like ''wtf wtf wtf'' all the way. Don't even have mood to play audition or like anything. Somemore I was having stomach ache. AHHHH FK LA. Ok Jo calm the fk down its over.

Photo: @cerabutterjam @sherburnt @vxmpira
Anyway today, I mean yesterday. After Cera and I went home, we went out again to meet meg, ryan and kelvin at tpy at like 12.30am. I felt so bad because I mean, how can we leave megan with the guys. I was quite pissed and grumpy luh, idk but I felt so -justnotmyday-. Then we went to ryan's house voideck to play UNO.Hahahaha. Today went to the airport and send Cera off together with Megan and Kelvin. THATS ALL, KTHXBYE, MY PHONE CAN JSUT SUCKBALLS. D: BUT ANYWAY IT WAS FUN TO HANG OUT W THE PEEPS. i needa watch my tvd.

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