Saturday, January 26, 2013

A Simish Day.

Photo: Belle!!!!!!!! Skype con Federica, Maria Rosaria & Giorgia!!! ❤❤❤
Ciao! Ciao! Ciao! Yesterday I was skyping with Fede, Giorgia and Maria Rosaria! It was so fun, because Maria Rosaria kept dao-ing Fede. Laughing at her nose, we were singing and stuff. And I was playing the piano in the middle of night, seriously it was 12am. Today was an unproductive day, I only did the Econs draft answer plan. hahaha. Tmr then do the rest.

Photo: Giorgia is a beauty! And Federica is just
I played Sims all the way and went for music. And my teacher is going to the Tampines branch. Of all places, nevermind at least not Pasir Ris. So fucking far sia! I don't want to change teacher. :( So my music teacher said if I want private lesson at his house on tuesday also can, same price. Ahh idk how now. Isn't today the by-elections? I tell you, if I am the government ah, I will make so many changes that I would become very popular. I'm kidding, I don't even know the basics of being a politician.

ParaNorman wallpaper
I ate sushi for dinz! I think that's about it. Ahhh. So tired, need to get up for church tomorrow. Going to watch Hansel and Gretel with my family tomorrow. Watching Paranorman now!

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