Wednesday, January 9, 2013

A School Renewal

Photo: My new toy from @ramagedamore ❤❤
Vais gave me this dog! So thoughtful! Idk how to thank her!
Ciao! It has been 4 days since I've updated so here's what you missed! :) On 6th Jan, Sunday, I went to church in the morning and then headed to Plaza Sing for lunch at Swensens with my mum and bro! We ordered alot! Then shopped around and headed to Ion Orchard to buy some clothes and shopped more. Returned home so I could do my homework and print out the proposal for Orientation.

Photo: @wanderlustzz @kimmyyyyyyyy
On 7th, it was the first day of school 2013! So Dan Ying and I being the kiasu ones, rushed to class first so we could choose our place. Dan Ying chop place for our friends. Then other people want to sit right, Dan Ying said: "Sorry book ready". Damn funny! Then Abi and I practiced the Italian kissing culture! Oh how much I miss Italy! Then boyfriend was in school too! First day of school the only lesson that I had was Maths. And my class and 12B3 combined. ): But it's still called 12B1.

Photo: CIAO CIAO CIAO!! The awesome 10! @scatteredbones @shotgunmeow_atiqah @wanderlustzz @kimmyyyyyyyy
On 8th, second day of school, teachers started lessons and started giving us homework. ughhh! And council is just too much to take! Orientation proposal, international friendship day proposal then now got homeworks. And somemore got PE! Suppose to run 3 rounds but I ran 2 rounds. haha. Formed like a new clique for recess because no more minghui, jiabao, liling and ginger. ): Left jia en and danying, and I don't go with jerry and hanan anymore. So Abi and Sheralyn joined us! I like!

Photo: Dinner. :P @scatteredbones @kimmyyyyyyyy @shotgunmeow_atiqah @wanderlustzz
After school went to pastamania with the Italy trip group, together with Miss Mariya and Mr Ang. Cannot take Mr Ang seriously as a teacher anymore, hahaha joker sia that one. I want him to be our GP teacher. ): He gonna propose to his girlfriend you know, then ask us for tips and everything. ha!

Today, third day of school had CCA! And PW lecture, seems scary. Got MI OPEN HOUSE 2013, MUST COME. Ugh, I usher sia. Must stay back until 6pm this friday for the open house. Today quite relaxed though. During HTP had a dialogue session with Mdm Yani, it was quite funny and entertaining I like. Okay so I'm going to have dinner now, ciao! A domani!

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