Wednesday, January 23, 2013

A Pass For Accounting

Photo: Unhealthy today! Spaghetti and patate!!
Maledetto quel PE giorno! I didn't even use google translate! Shows how much my Italian has improved! Can't wait for Friday when I get to skype with Fede again! Today was schifo essere te, per la traduzione di questo. HAHAHA. You can translate that if you want! I had mob today and it was so stupid, because we were watching just for laughs for a short time.

During PW, I was like trying to revise for accounting, okay la, I can't say 'revise' ;) AND I PASS THE ACCOUNTING TEST! Thanks to DanYing, she is like my accounting saviour, WEI SHEN ME YAO ZHE YANG DUI WO! hahaha, chinese rocks man. During break we were like talking about friendships. I'm glad I have great friends every single time, thank you Jesus Amen. Do you see the light? If you say you see it, you are lying because you are not even dead. Boooo!

Photo: Loving him is Red.
Life has been great without oranges and orange juice. No, I still love orange juice, it's so tasty, it's so sad to part with orange juices. Because I love to eat apples now. As for orange, it looks so delicious on the outside but whether it's juicy and sweet on the inside or tasteless and sour, you be the judge after you eat it! I ate the frigging orange at Holiday Inn Atrium and it's disgusting, don't try it, you will regret paying alot of money for the buffet! You know what I mean. *wink wink.

After school had the dry run for the NEC Orientation slot, met Minghui and Jiabao! So that's about it. I am dead beat, just finished the same proposal but the 5th revised edition, damn pissed sia.

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