Tuesday, January 22, 2013

A NASA Class

Ciao! Today has been dead, I guess. So many things were going through my head. I had to go to school myself because dad couldn't send me. I stood on stage during morning assembly, and the vice principal talked to me! Other than my bf, I have this thing for the vp. oops. No seriously, basically I look up to her as a role model la, pure admiration.

Accounting lesson, guess who taught us? AN ASTRONAUT! I am not joking, she came with the space suit and everything! She was like putting on this invisible astronaut helmet that when she talks, we can't even hear or understand, isn't it just amazing? I'm thinking we might be stuck with this astronaunt for days, gosh, we learn so much about space, every lesson we literally stare into space.

And then had PE, which was pure shit, laosai I should add. Make us run run run, crazy! Fail napha then fail la! Big deal. PE is a time where we are supposed to de-stress, we must write letter to MOE and complain already, it's taking a toll on our health and money for polyclinic mc-s. I was gambling during maths, played Roulette, like fun sia, I keep winning only.

Then had GP, aiyo, got GP homework, my group really v jialat other than dy and je. The boys are like. FIGLIO DI PUTTANA. Then Chinese was quite enjoyable, I scored 6/10 for today's cloze passage big improvement or what? No la, the passage was so easy! Okay so that's the end of schoold ay for today. I have very important things I have to address unfortunately.

This is sad to say meaningless, I cannot do this anymore, I feel burdened, I can't keep up if you can't keep your end of the deal. Ugh, why don't you understand when I say no means no.

I find you quite cute, a new thing for me. I'll not try anything till I'm done with the other thing. Okay, so you can skip the 100 questions survey below if you want, ciao!

 1) Name? Jolyn Anderson Yio

 2) Original Hair Color? Black.

 3) Current Hair Color (If dyed)? Dark Brown.

 4) Age? 17 going 18!

 5) Birthday date? 10 June!

 6) Boyfriend/girlfriend? Boyfriend.

 7) Crush? HEH.

 8) Favorite subject? Friday 12.45pm onwards to Monday 9am.

 9) Least favorite subject? PE.

 10) Subject you're best at? Management of Business.

 11) Subject you're worst at? Accounting.

 12) Favorite film? Pitch  Perfect.

 13) Least favorite film? Push.

 14) Favorite program? Phineas and Ferb.

 15) Least favorite program? Oggy and the fucking Cockroaches.

 16) Favorite song? Cercavo Amore.

 17) Least favorite song? Songs by Fun.

 18) Favorite artist? Taylor Swift.

 19) Least favorite artist? Nicki Minaj.

 20) Trapped on a deserted island or Trapped in Antarctica? Antarctica, at least I can eat fish, freeze to death instead of burning to death.

 21) What are you most scared of? Darkness.

 22) What song is stuck in your head? Red by Taylor Swift the 'Re-ed-ed-ed' part,

 23) Favorite color? White.

 24) Do you have any pets? No, I don't like it when they pee around.

 25) Favorite ever animal? Cat.

26) Latest fail/fml moment? During accounting when the teacher was like shit.

 27) Favorite joke? I love all kinds of jokes.

 28) Favorite food? Pasta.

 29) Favorite drink? Plain water.

 30) Random fact about you? I always eat apples.

 31) Do you have any siblings? Yes, one brother.

 32) What are your siblings called? John.

 33) Are you sarcastic? Sometimes.

 34) Are you good at giving advice? Kinda, I'm a guru bitch.

 35) Describe yourself in one word? Money-minded.

 36) Name each of your closet friends? Roydon, I just need 1 best friend.

 37) Science or Tech? Money.

 38) Running or Swimming? I rather study than become breathless of spot a tann.

 39) Are you sociable? Yup.

 40) Are you a flirt? When I'm single. ;)

 41) What are your plans for Valentine’s Day? I hope my boyfriend's planning it!

 42) Do you have a Valentine? Ya duh.

 43) Favorite love song? Enchanted by Taylor Swift.

 44) Favorite season of the year? Winter, I love white.

 45) Favorite type or weather? The current weather.

 46) Favorite holiday? Chinese New Year, hong bao give me.

 47) 4th July or Easter? Easter, Jesus is risen bitches.

 48) Christmas or Thanksgiving? Christmas.

 49) Yahoo Answers or YouTube? Youtube.

 50) Facebook, Tumblr, or Twitter? Twitter ~

 51) What other websites do you currently have open? Google.

 52) What time is it where you are from? 7.28PM.

 53) Have you got this week off school ? Sadly no.

 54) Are you a good singer? No. :/

 55) P.E. (gym class) or Art? I'll have lunch please.

 56) German or French? Italian can?

 57) Favourite quote? Death solves all problems, no man=no problem.

 58) Do you like taking pictures? sisi!

 59) Have you ever seen anybody live e.g. comedian or singer? Yeap, Lady Gaga wooo!

 60) Harry Potter, Hunger Games, or Twilight? Hunger Games, Harry Potter.

 61) Religon? Christian.

 62) Do you enjoy singing? Who doesn't!

 63) Do you have a phone? iphone 5, jealous right.

 64) Do you have a lot of friends? Yes, I have the close friends, good friends, fake friends, strange friends.

 65) Are you popular/nerdy/average/weird/emo/goth? Average lor..

 66) Do you have Twitter? Oui!

 67) Do you have Facebook? Ouioui!

 68) Who do you look at for inspiration? My imagination.

 69) Have you had sex before? Nah..

 70) Did you put something about 69? I don't understand.

 71) Are you bored of this quiz? Not really.

 72) Favorite clothing item? Jacket.

 73) Favorite brand? Forever 21, can help me save money.

 74) Favorite shop? Forever 21.

 75) Are your nails painted? Sadly, No.

 76) What's the color or your underwear :3? Beige.

 77) What color is the top you are wearing? Grey.

 78) What color are you eyes? Dark brown.

 79) LIGHTS or Destiny's Child? Heaven.

 80) Justin Bieber or One Direction ♥? 1D.

 81) Gore film or Horror film? Comedy please.

 82) Horror film or Romantic film? Comedy please.

 83) What does your crush/boyfriend/girlfriend look like? Messy hair. :(

 84) What is your crush/boyfriend/girlfriend's personality like? Great.

 85) What is your crush/boyfriend/girlfriend called? HEH.

 86) What would you name your children? London, Paris, Russia, Sydney, China.

 87) Favorite names? Jolyn Anderson Yio.

 88) If you could have any name what would it be? Paris Hilton please.

 89) Know the cause or date of your death? What rubbish is this.

 90) Bleed to death or painful death with no blood? Don't ask me sia..

 91) Maths or English? I want to sleep.

 92) Rugby or Tennis? Tennis.

 93) Basketball or Cricket? Sit down and watch soccer.

 94) Baseball or Soccer? Arsenal gogogo!

 95) Favorite sport? I hate sports.

 96) Do you like school? Nope.

 97) Favorite music video? Hadouken, MAD.

 98) Lost your virginity yet? NO.

 99) How old were you when you had your first kiss? 14?

 100) Did you scream out "use your wand Harry!" at the woman in black movie? I didn't even watch.

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