Thursday, January 31, 2013

A Crazy Teacher


 I miss this cutie pie!
Ciao Ragazzi!Went to school as usual, guess who I sat with in the train? My dear bestest friend in the world kind of brother friend, ROYDON!! <3 We know each other for more than 12 years! We are neighbours of more than 12 years. Friends for more than 12 years. Schoolmates for 2 years, classmates for 2 years. Tuition mates for 2 years, (econs, english and social studies). Best friends for 6 years, siblings for life! Wooo! I realized everytime when exam come we will always study together. Even when our exams are on different days at different schools. We don't even have to meet for a month, we'd still be close as fuck!

Anyway, after assembly, chiong ahhhh, went to write my name down for Creative Writing. Econs we used laptops, PE was still horrible as fuck, mob had a case study test and in PW, omg, Ms Lee is seriously cray cray. When we went into the classroom, she ask all of us to stand, her reason being when we sit we don't understand her. She is so weird! She like ki siao or something, the head kana knock on the wall or what. Watch this video to know how I view her as:

After school went to macs with Jia En, Jia Bao, Dan Ying, Minghui and Lisa, and then went home! I saw bf today! In conclusion, Ms Lee is mentally unstable. The whole class scared that she cry.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

A Vacation Thought

Angry Birds Pig

Ciao! I am so angry! Mr Sham short change me for my test wtf!!! Don't like me then say la, ugh, 最讨厌这样的人! Anyway, had mob in the morning and it was disgusting. PW was about an arts elective programme, I'm going to choose Creative Writting ~ Write song sia! I'm going to write  song about fruits. Sounds fun to me! After that was accounting, guess who taught us? Astronaut!! D: she looks like the angry birds pig.

tb copenhagen denmark wallpaper
After that was HTP, is was about Asia-Europe Classroom. I feel like going to M.I World Denmark ley, but I want to go back to Italy to see Fede, her family, Maria Rosaria and Giorgia! I miss them so much! But my parents also thought of going to LA and Las Vegas. I wouldn't turn it down, because I want to see Paris Hilton in Hollywood!! Madly in love with her like seriously. After HTP went for council meeting.

Council meeting was quite short and then went to shop fo rmy mum's birthday presie! I spent a total of $$$$Booo... Got her a pearl cum diamonds ring! Ofocuse the diamonds are very tiny, 0.17 carat only sia. But anyways, I hope she loves it! Ciao! Buonasera!

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

A Cursed Lesson.

Ciao! 3 months into my relationship with KK, I just feel so weird, but anyway, ti volgio bene bf. :) Today was cool! On the way to school I saw yuxuan in the mrt station. Went to school with jiabao, minghui and jiaen and jiaen's bestfriend from bukit batok mrt. I miss jiabao and minghui! Accounting was just dead boring, astronaunt was there to frighten the kids even more. PE was the worse.

PE 6 rounds around the trackk plus spinting on the field several times. Thanks to Sri and Elean I completed 5/6 of the race, I was damn cold you know. Seriously in the state of about to faint-ness, then will have those black patches in your vision that kind of thing. Ugh mafakin PE. Damn you cursed subject of my life! D:<

Photo: so happy that Maths and go test is over!
Had half a break with minghui and jiabao together with the usual recess people. ;) Just yesterday, I realized that my clique is all the promoted girls from my class. I swear I didn't even know until DanYing mentioned it. 5 only, very sad. I think it is a coincident! But I don't think I can promote this year, very hard sia. :( I am already feeling the burn. plus the sunburn from PE.

Maths test was okay. Then, GP test is screwed because I did the wrong question, nbcb! Chinese was the best because the teacher never come so I went off with my bf. We went to west mall to eat our favourite bakuteh. Then jaeyeob came and we all went home together! Thats about it! Ciao! I miss Sarah Putri sia.

Monday, January 28, 2013

A Routined Day.

Photo: Curly fries + ice cream sundaes.
Ciao! Ciao! Ciao! Buonasera guys. Yesterday I slept damn early then today when I went to school, many of my friends say my face got glow. Flattered sia. ;) Must be because I sleep v early. Morning had council meeting, and then had mob in the morning, shit forget to rbing my laptop sia! I wanted to show dy my italy trip video! Anyway, after that was econs, it was on an elasticity essay.

I love this photo!
After break was accounting, took the same lift as the acocunting teacher haha! She v nice one nv scold sia. Then had gp, which was forever group work. Then had maths and Sheralyn kept singing, "A whole new world ~" hahaha!. Then went home with Abigail and we chatted through whatsapp on the train! because she had soar throat. Bless her. So that's about it!

Woa 550 pre-u 1s coming this friday. so fast 1 year already! on also on friday it's my mum's birthday~ and it's also jia han's birthday. going to the party with Sarah putri!

Sunday, January 27, 2013

A Good Movie

Ciao! Today went to church and then went to amkhub to watch HANSEL AND GRETEL WITCH HUNTERS! Omg this movie makes me want to become a witch, and then in this post, the first few words I typed were "today went to church", what kind of christian am I? Let me tell you, this movie is NC16, because of a naked scene, and the violence and the blood everywhere. It's quite nice.

In this movie got good witch and bad witch. Some of them quite pretty the rest look like shit. I RATE THE MOVIE 8 STARS.

Saturday, January 26, 2013

A Simish Day.

Photo: Belle!!!!!!!! Skype con Federica, Maria Rosaria & Giorgia!!! ❤❤❤
Ciao! Ciao! Ciao! Yesterday I was skyping with Fede, Giorgia and Maria Rosaria! It was so fun, because Maria Rosaria kept dao-ing Fede. Laughing at her nose, we were singing and stuff. And I was playing the piano in the middle of night, seriously it was 12am. Today was an unproductive day, I only did the Econs draft answer plan. hahaha. Tmr then do the rest.

Photo: Giorgia is a beauty! And Federica is just
I played Sims all the way and went for music. And my teacher is going to the Tampines branch. Of all places, nevermind at least not Pasir Ris. So fucking far sia! I don't want to change teacher. :( So my music teacher said if I want private lesson at his house on tuesday also can, same price. Ahh idk how now. Isn't today the by-elections? I tell you, if I am the government ah, I will make so many changes that I would become very popular. I'm kidding, I don't even know the basics of being a politician.

ParaNorman wallpaper
I ate sushi for dinz! I think that's about it. Ahhh. So tired, need to get up for church tomorrow. Going to watch Hansel and Gretel with my family tomorrow. Watching Paranorman now!

Friday, January 25, 2013

A Sad Thought.

I just read and article that said: "We fall in love with people, not genders. blablabla.. So I think that that is a better message than being like 'Ugh, two girls kissing! Isn't that gross and crazy?' It was f---ing awesome. Girls are hot." I so much so agree that Girls are hot." The person who wrote this article was talking about 2 Broke Girls, I want to see Max and Caroline together, it's just so awesome. Fuck off Andy! Even though he's hot, just fuck off.

Today went to school, it was pretty much tiring. This year's econs compared to last year's econs have a huge difference, swear!! Because Mrs Pow is pregnant but Mr Raj is not fully pregnant (I think around 3months? can only see a little baby bump.) I'm joking. ;) So like, did an essay during chinese class, which I just ripped off from the net. Okay, not really ripped off but, just half! I copied half, and I wrote half myself.

Photo: Cooked dinner in 10mins!!! Vege + Mushroom + Bacon
Htp was on CIP, and the boys are just horrible, that's why I don't like them. *wink, you know what I mean. Ugh, I have a boyfriend who pissed me off yesterday and still thinks everything is fine. THIS IS SO NOT OKAY. ):< Ah whatever. Moving on, went home and played Sims, watched 2 Broke Girls and cooked dinner! But have not touched my homework.

So that's about it for today. I don't know if I will regret my decision, should I just end it now, because I can't do this anymore. Boo. ): Non ti piace, perche, mi piace qualcon altrro.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

A Birthday with PE.

Photo: ANGURI!
wtf is with my face.
How can a corrupted leader lead a country? Tsk tsk, michael palmer is one of them, people like him shouldn't go and take up such responsibility. How are we going to prosper if we do not have the right people as leaders? I hope Worker's party will win, so that PAP can wake up, they are no longer as bright as before, am I right to say that.

Econs lessons, I seriously felt like sleeping, damn tired, I am fat and tired. Booooo. I have 2 weeks to lose weight, before chinese new year! How how how! My apple diet not working because I am not implementing it well! Then PE was crazy! The sun was fucking sunny, we are human beings, not raw beef or raw pork for you to roast you know. I think fat PE teachers do not deserve to be PE teachers, they eat so much, how can we learn to be physically fit when they contain so much oil?

Photo: ASTONS!!! :P
Am I right to say that? Anyway, during recess we celebrated Dan Ying's 19th Birthday! Wooo! Blow trumpet, with our 12B1 girls. After that was MOB, and then had PW, and I was apologising to Hanan. Then after school went to have astons at bukit batok, NEW ONE! With Danying, Jia En and Abs! We were talking so much that we sat there until it rained! About channel 8 shows etc etc. Then took the train home with Jia En!

So I was thinking lately, that I am getting so frustrated with my hair, it's killing me. ): I need to go and rebond soon, 3 years havent rebond rdy sia! 5 more days to 3 months with my bf, I am still not used to it, I don't know why.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

A Pass For Accounting

Photo: Unhealthy today! Spaghetti and patate!!
Maledetto quel PE giorno! I didn't even use google translate! Shows how much my Italian has improved! Can't wait for Friday when I get to skype with Fede again! Today was schifo essere te, per la traduzione di questo. HAHAHA. You can translate that if you want! I had mob today and it was so stupid, because we were watching just for laughs for a short time.

During PW, I was like trying to revise for accounting, okay la, I can't say 'revise' ;) AND I PASS THE ACCOUNTING TEST! Thanks to DanYing, she is like my accounting saviour, WEI SHEN ME YAO ZHE YANG DUI WO! hahaha, chinese rocks man. During break we were like talking about friendships. I'm glad I have great friends every single time, thank you Jesus Amen. Do you see the light? If you say you see it, you are lying because you are not even dead. Boooo!

Photo: Loving him is Red.
Life has been great without oranges and orange juice. No, I still love orange juice, it's so tasty, it's so sad to part with orange juices. Because I love to eat apples now. As for orange, it looks so delicious on the outside but whether it's juicy and sweet on the inside or tasteless and sour, you be the judge after you eat it! I ate the frigging orange at Holiday Inn Atrium and it's disgusting, don't try it, you will regret paying alot of money for the buffet! You know what I mean. *wink wink.

After school had the dry run for the NEC Orientation slot, met Minghui and Jiabao! So that's about it. I am dead beat, just finished the same proposal but the 5th revised edition, damn pissed sia.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

A NASA Class

Ciao! Today has been dead, I guess. So many things were going through my head. I had to go to school myself because dad couldn't send me. I stood on stage during morning assembly, and the vice principal talked to me! Other than my bf, I have this thing for the vp. oops. No seriously, basically I look up to her as a role model la, pure admiration.

Accounting lesson, guess who taught us? AN ASTRONAUT! I am not joking, she came with the space suit and everything! She was like putting on this invisible astronaut helmet that when she talks, we can't even hear or understand, isn't it just amazing? I'm thinking we might be stuck with this astronaunt for days, gosh, we learn so much about space, every lesson we literally stare into space.

And then had PE, which was pure shit, laosai I should add. Make us run run run, crazy! Fail napha then fail la! Big deal. PE is a time where we are supposed to de-stress, we must write letter to MOE and complain already, it's taking a toll on our health and money for polyclinic mc-s. I was gambling during maths, played Roulette, like fun sia, I keep winning only.

Then had GP, aiyo, got GP homework, my group really v jialat other than dy and je. The boys are like. FIGLIO DI PUTTANA. Then Chinese was quite enjoyable, I scored 6/10 for today's cloze passage big improvement or what? No la, the passage was so easy! Okay so that's the end of schoold ay for today. I have very important things I have to address unfortunately.

This is sad to say meaningless, I cannot do this anymore, I feel burdened, I can't keep up if you can't keep your end of the deal. Ugh, why don't you understand when I say no means no.

I find you quite cute, a new thing for me. I'll not try anything till I'm done with the other thing. Okay, so you can skip the 100 questions survey below if you want, ciao!

 1) Name? Jolyn Anderson Yio

 2) Original Hair Color? Black.

 3) Current Hair Color (If dyed)? Dark Brown.

 4) Age? 17 going 18!

 5) Birthday date? 10 June!

 6) Boyfriend/girlfriend? Boyfriend.

 7) Crush? HEH.

 8) Favorite subject? Friday 12.45pm onwards to Monday 9am.

 9) Least favorite subject? PE.

 10) Subject you're best at? Management of Business.

 11) Subject you're worst at? Accounting.

 12) Favorite film? Pitch  Perfect.

 13) Least favorite film? Push.

 14) Favorite program? Phineas and Ferb.

 15) Least favorite program? Oggy and the fucking Cockroaches.

 16) Favorite song? Cercavo Amore.

 17) Least favorite song? Songs by Fun.

 18) Favorite artist? Taylor Swift.

 19) Least favorite artist? Nicki Minaj.

 20) Trapped on a deserted island or Trapped in Antarctica? Antarctica, at least I can eat fish, freeze to death instead of burning to death.

 21) What are you most scared of? Darkness.

 22) What song is stuck in your head? Red by Taylor Swift the 'Re-ed-ed-ed' part,

 23) Favorite color? White.

 24) Do you have any pets? No, I don't like it when they pee around.

 25) Favorite ever animal? Cat.

26) Latest fail/fml moment? During accounting when the teacher was like shit.

 27) Favorite joke? I love all kinds of jokes.

 28) Favorite food? Pasta.

 29) Favorite drink? Plain water.

 30) Random fact about you? I always eat apples.

 31) Do you have any siblings? Yes, one brother.

 32) What are your siblings called? John.

 33) Are you sarcastic? Sometimes.

 34) Are you good at giving advice? Kinda, I'm a guru bitch.

 35) Describe yourself in one word? Money-minded.

 36) Name each of your closet friends? Roydon, I just need 1 best friend.

 37) Science or Tech? Money.

 38) Running or Swimming? I rather study than become breathless of spot a tann.

 39) Are you sociable? Yup.

 40) Are you a flirt? When I'm single. ;)

 41) What are your plans for Valentine’s Day? I hope my boyfriend's planning it!

 42) Do you have a Valentine? Ya duh.

 43) Favorite love song? Enchanted by Taylor Swift.

 44) Favorite season of the year? Winter, I love white.

 45) Favorite type or weather? The current weather.

 46) Favorite holiday? Chinese New Year, hong bao give me.

 47) 4th July or Easter? Easter, Jesus is risen bitches.

 48) Christmas or Thanksgiving? Christmas.

 49) Yahoo Answers or YouTube? Youtube.

 50) Facebook, Tumblr, or Twitter? Twitter ~

 51) What other websites do you currently have open? Google.

 52) What time is it where you are from? 7.28PM.

 53) Have you got this week off school ? Sadly no.

 54) Are you a good singer? No. :/

 55) P.E. (gym class) or Art? I'll have lunch please.

 56) German or French? Italian can?

 57) Favourite quote? Death solves all problems, no man=no problem.

 58) Do you like taking pictures? sisi!

 59) Have you ever seen anybody live e.g. comedian or singer? Yeap, Lady Gaga wooo!

 60) Harry Potter, Hunger Games, or Twilight? Hunger Games, Harry Potter.

 61) Religon? Christian.

 62) Do you enjoy singing? Who doesn't!

 63) Do you have a phone? iphone 5, jealous right.

 64) Do you have a lot of friends? Yes, I have the close friends, good friends, fake friends, strange friends.

 65) Are you popular/nerdy/average/weird/emo/goth? Average lor..

 66) Do you have Twitter? Oui!

 67) Do you have Facebook? Ouioui!

 68) Who do you look at for inspiration? My imagination.

 69) Have you had sex before? Nah..

 70) Did you put something about 69? I don't understand.

 71) Are you bored of this quiz? Not really.

 72) Favorite clothing item? Jacket.

 73) Favorite brand? Forever 21, can help me save money.

 74) Favorite shop? Forever 21.

 75) Are your nails painted? Sadly, No.

 76) What's the color or your underwear :3? Beige.

 77) What color is the top you are wearing? Grey.

 78) What color are you eyes? Dark brown.

 79) LIGHTS or Destiny's Child? Heaven.

 80) Justin Bieber or One Direction ♥? 1D.

 81) Gore film or Horror film? Comedy please.

 82) Horror film or Romantic film? Comedy please.

 83) What does your crush/boyfriend/girlfriend look like? Messy hair. :(

 84) What is your crush/boyfriend/girlfriend's personality like? Great.

 85) What is your crush/boyfriend/girlfriend called? HEH.

 86) What would you name your children? London, Paris, Russia, Sydney, China.

 87) Favorite names? Jolyn Anderson Yio.

 88) If you could have any name what would it be? Paris Hilton please.

 89) Know the cause or date of your death? What rubbish is this.

 90) Bleed to death or painful death with no blood? Don't ask me sia..

 91) Maths or English? I want to sleep.

 92) Rugby or Tennis? Tennis.

 93) Basketball or Cricket? Sit down and watch soccer.

 94) Baseball or Soccer? Arsenal gogogo!

 95) Favorite sport? I hate sports.

 96) Do you like school? Nope.

 97) Favorite music video? Hadouken, MAD.

 98) Lost your virginity yet? NO.

 99) How old were you when you had your first kiss? 14?

 100) Did you scream out "use your wand Harry!" at the woman in black movie? I didn't even watch.

Monday, January 21, 2013

A GP Test Answer

Ciao everyone! So on 19th, which was Saturday, I went for music, my teacher'ss leaving to go to Tampines Cristofori, I cannot transfer there because it's too far! Booo. And then I just stayed home to study MOB. On 20th, which was yesterday, went to church in the morning and then went thomson plaza to buy my black dye and ate lunch. Then went home to dye my hair black! Sadly, there are still brown streaks.

Today, met Minjie on my way to school! In the train, I revised MOB. After assembly, I rushed to class to chop place. hahaha! Then had MOB Test, and then after MOB was econs! Econs quite interesting, stupid keynesian your fault that we have to learn so much! Then during break went to meet Ms Mariya and she gave The Awesome 10 cupcakes and photo collages! So thoughtful!

Photo: Lalalala @scatteredbones
After that was accounting, this student teacher came to teach us and she sucks. Then was GP, we went through GP Test, Dan Ying's answer was so epic! The question was: Explain the phrase "ghettos for geeks who hid behind online aliases.". Dan Ying's answer was: It is the nerd that has been using the internet that was ssumed by others.

Photo: Time to sleep~ NOTTE!
So funny right! After GP was break, five of us just sat at the cafe talking about apples and oranges. Then went for maths class, and bf fetch me home! Thats about it! Goodbye! I think school quite fun! mua. Buonasera, a presto.

Friday, January 18, 2013

A Sick Week

Photo: @jiaaaaabao OMG SCARY SIA
I miss disturbing JB. It has been almost a week babes. CIAO! Second week of school was horrible. Seriously. You'll see why:

13th Jan, Learned about Motivation in MOB, walao eh, this chapter seems so easy on the outside but we have to learn a shitload of laosai ways of motivation. Actually I felt very motivated one, but after reading it I feel like choking. During recess, I lost my voice!

14th Jan, I didn't go to school I was sick. I was bored so I went on Skype & Chatroulette to chat with this guy from Slovenia. Made my day.

15th Jan, I stayed at home as I was sick. I had to go print photos for Kim's birthday present at Amkhub. Bf came over to give me pearsand honey lemon that he made, yesterday! I tried to complete my homework.

Photo: @jiaaaaabao her food look quite delicious!
16th Jan, I got MC for PE! Dan Ying also got MC! We both didn't come on Tues! I went to finish up Kim's present. During recess, The Awesome 10 clique celebrated Kim's birthday! After school did a make up english test with Danying in the library. We discussed answers, the tcher wasn't thr. :/ Went out with the girls to Jurong Point for Ichiban sushi to commerate Ginger and DanYing's birthday!

Photo: Just had one in my mouth.
Today, Econs I chopped like 5 seats for my friends so that we don't have to pay fake money. It's some stupid game that the econs teacher plays with us. I played a prank on Abi using a chocolate condom. She believed it was real condom. Abi, so cute. After school went to IMM with Angel to search for prices for Orientation Logistics. I also had chinese test today!

I'm still living! Grazie Dio. :) I miss my bf, and I think Angel v poor thing I should help her with the proposal!

Saturday, January 12, 2013

A New Diet

Photo: Ugh my brother sucks at taking photos.
Ciao! I need to start taking my diet plans seriously! My arms are getting flabbier and flabbier, my weight taken during height and weight is the heaviest I have ever been when I'm taking height and weight. Though I have never been over 50kg, I think I am going to be soon! Aaaah fml, stupid fat body, can't you be skinnier? Whats wrong with you. Still eat buffet today. Ugh, just can't stop eating, food is so good! Anyway, Nicole Richie will be my inspiration from now on.

Nicolel Richie:

People on Fruitarian Diet:

Friday, January 11, 2013

A New Group

Photo: School school school, f this.
Ciao ciao ciao! On a dieci, sto andare scuola. hahaha duh. Anyway right, my new project work group members are Marvin, Alfred, Hanan and Samantha. At least got Hanan! So right, yesterday took the train with Ray home! It was nothing much yesterday. So today, 11th, gosh, I can't believe I love chinese lesson now! Its so fun! The teacher's lesson is so enjoyable! Sheralyn Abi and I love it! Then my school had an open houses today so I was standing and talking from 1pm to 5.30pm.

Photo: A domani~. ZZZ.
Ufffffa!! I saw Cheryl Tan from my sec school at the open house, and my brother came too! Bf came with his friends, so many people, I felt like dying seriously, somemore I was having mensus. ): Cramps cramps cramps. Ufffa! Ciao!

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

A School Renewal

Photo: My new toy from @ramagedamore ❤❤
Vais gave me this dog! So thoughtful! Idk how to thank her!
Ciao! It has been 4 days since I've updated so here's what you missed! :) On 6th Jan, Sunday, I went to church in the morning and then headed to Plaza Sing for lunch at Swensens with my mum and bro! We ordered alot! Then shopped around and headed to Ion Orchard to buy some clothes and shopped more. Returned home so I could do my homework and print out the proposal for Orientation.

Photo: @wanderlustzz @kimmyyyyyyyy
On 7th, it was the first day of school 2013! So Dan Ying and I being the kiasu ones, rushed to class first so we could choose our place. Dan Ying chop place for our friends. Then other people want to sit right, Dan Ying said: "Sorry book ready". Damn funny! Then Abi and I practiced the Italian kissing culture! Oh how much I miss Italy! Then boyfriend was in school too! First day of school the only lesson that I had was Maths. And my class and 12B3 combined. ): But it's still called 12B1.

Photo: CIAO CIAO CIAO!! The awesome 10! @scatteredbones @shotgunmeow_atiqah @wanderlustzz @kimmyyyyyyyy
On 8th, second day of school, teachers started lessons and started giving us homework. ughhh! And council is just too much to take! Orientation proposal, international friendship day proposal then now got homeworks. And somemore got PE! Suppose to run 3 rounds but I ran 2 rounds. haha. Formed like a new clique for recess because no more minghui, jiabao, liling and ginger. ): Left jia en and danying, and I don't go with jerry and hanan anymore. So Abi and Sheralyn joined us! I like!

Photo: Dinner. :P @scatteredbones @kimmyyyyyyyy @shotgunmeow_atiqah @wanderlustzz
After school went to pastamania with the Italy trip group, together with Miss Mariya and Mr Ang. Cannot take Mr Ang seriously as a teacher anymore, hahaha joker sia that one. I want him to be our GP teacher. ): He gonna propose to his girlfriend you know, then ask us for tips and everything. ha!

Today, third day of school had CCA! And PW lecture, seems scary. Got MI OPEN HOUSE 2013, MUST COME. Ugh, I usher sia. Must stay back until 6pm this friday for the open house. Today quite relaxed though. During HTP had a dialogue session with Mdm Yani, it was quite funny and entertaining I like. Okay so I'm going to have dinner now, ciao! A domani!

Saturday, January 5, 2013

A Blood Test

Photo: Lets play this! GOGOGO PIANO. Ahh!
Ciao puttane! Today morning, I went for a health screening at Bugis, took my height and weight and got my BMI. They took my 2 tubes of blood from me for a bloodtest. It will probably show that my blood sugar is just high. All the chocolates that I've eaten.. After that I went for piano and then went for hair treatment! Shucks, school is on next monday, so not ready!

So I've got my timetable and my class list and teachers. I guess it's all good. No more sleeping late anymore, amore! Ciao! This is the first time I'm doing a blood test. Going to watch my Simple Life!

Friday, January 4, 2013

A weekend of last minutes.

Photo: Dessert!! :P
On 1st Jan, after I blogged my first post, I went to Orchard Central to have Kuriya Japanese Buffet! Yum yum! With my family and then we shopped!

Photo: Lets go to.... Church.
On 2nd Jan, I stayed home to finish my Accounting Holiday Homework. On 3rd Jan I went to school in the morning for National Education Council Meeting, planning for Total Defence Day and our Orientation 2 hour slot, I am in charge for that 2 hour and must come up with a proposal by Wednesday! D: After school I went to meet Ray to do my Econs holiday homework! And then went to Amk library to borrow chinese book for my chinese holiday homework, yes I borrowed a children's book of 130 words in 14 pages, and it's about Santa Claus.

So then to stayed home to redo the video and watch undercover boss, really must spend the remaining of the holidays with myself! Ciao, I am still in love with Italy. And Federica had just recieved my parcel, ipod! ;D

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

A New Start

Happy New Years Day 2013! Really looking forward to the rest of the year, I mean, I would become legal for many things! Lets start of the New Year posts with Resolutions, I have only one New Year resolution for myself, simple yet difficult. To be a greater me.

Photo: Lets go to.... Church.

Boo! Bam! Okay, this is just stupid, ciao! ;) I am going to eat steamboat at Clarke Quay for lunch! Aren't you excited for me? Bf said he is going to pick me up from school everyday, I don't really fancy that thought though, so he changed it to 'most of the days'. Yeap, maybe I could live with that.