Wednesday, November 20, 2013


I CAN'T EVEN FKING SLEEP BECAUSE OF MY INTESTINAL ISSUES, THAT CONCERNS ME HAVING SEVERE STOMACH ACHE, DIARRHEA AND PUKING. I found the main source of horrible thing that caused all these. It's not just the oysters I ate in Malacca, it's not just the asam fish I ate on Sunday, it's not just because I had my period hence the dizziness, and all those horrible stuff that probably ruined half of my week. Its the frigging eclipse mints. 

Eclipse mints, if youre my friend you would know that I'm kinda allergic to mint, I would sneeze uncontrollably and end up with flu and sore throat. But that's only when I consume the double mint flavour or like the super strong flavour bad for my sensitive nose. So I would usually buy spearmint, my favourite flavour of chewing gum and eclipse. I always have eclipse in hand, during examinations, I could consume like a whole tin of them, and now come to think of it, that might be the reason why I had diarrhea and stuff. 

So I went to research, mainly just for fun, of the ingredients in Eclipse, so I went on wiki and stuff, and I could not get my hands onto the ingredients of eclipse??? What rubbish, unknown hazards as well. This horrible, so I had to dig deeper. (you know, cause I'm so free.) So I found this, here are the ingredients of my spearmint eclipse, and I will tell you the side effects of them:

1. Sorbitol
It is a sugar substitute, often used in diet foods, it is also a LAXATIVE, which draws water into the large intestine, stimulating bowel movements. Sorbitol can only be consumed 20 grams a day as sugarfree gums, if not it will aggravate irritable bowel movements. FK SEE I KNEW IT. 3 mints has 2 grams of sorbitol. THEY SHOULD FKING PUT IT ON THE LABEL AS A FKING WARNING, LOOK AT WHAT'S HAPPENING TO ME NOW. I fking took the whole tin???? that is 34 grams. 

I feel so angry that, I just feel like suing the fking company. It hurts so bad, that I can't even sleep till 5am in the morning. My stomach is so bloated and uncomfortable that I can't eat anything, or i'll puke. This totally sucks. 

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