Friday, November 15, 2013

A PLAY night

Photo: @wanderlustzz @dreamsoreality
So I dyed my hair french chocolate colour, its not very obvious but, it is, in the light, oh shoot.... my parents gna kill me for that. yesterday, went out with my mum to buy some stuff, and then headed to pasir ris to meet some of my friends. At night, went to meet megan at tanjongpagar, followed by abs, we went to PLAY, for the first time, it was quite weird at first, but then we enjoyed ourselves at a later point of time. hahaha.

Photo: @dreamsoreality
Photo: @wanderlustzz
After clubbing, we went to abs house to sleep, went north point to have lunch today and now i'm home, gng malaysia tomorrow, you guys are gna miss me. ciao! ^^

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