Sunday, November 3, 2013

A Stay Home Sunday

I knew you were trouble when you walked in, so shame on me now. Yea, omg I love that song. (Just sayin' if you were thinking otherwise, haha!) So I'm currently updating my sims, I've downloaded Sims 3 Into The Future! The last sims 3 expansion pack, can't wait to play it. I feel so tired.

So yesterday, went to meet up with Marco and Ben, and we walked damn alot, from Orchard to Dhoby to Clarke Quay to Esplanade and finally our end destination was MBS. Then we went to avalon. Lose weight sia, hahahaha. Make me perspire and all.... So, then, ya, I'm so tired now, didn't go to church today! :/ Gonna cook dinz for my parents later!

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