Thursday, November 21, 2013

A Mind Changer.

I don't think I want to work at AC anymore after seeing how hard it is to even book a slot to work, I mean, whuttt. Are you kidding. It will be so demoralizing for the workers you know. Anyway, Abigail came to my house today and I help her dye her hair, the color not very prominent unless its in the sun. And I had diarrhea again. Horrible, horrible. I thought I recover alrdy like in the afternoon cause I ate lunch then experienced nothing, but mehh, body sucks.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013


I CAN'T EVEN FKING SLEEP BECAUSE OF MY INTESTINAL ISSUES, THAT CONCERNS ME HAVING SEVERE STOMACH ACHE, DIARRHEA AND PUKING. I found the main source of horrible thing that caused all these. It's not just the oysters I ate in Malacca, it's not just the asam fish I ate on Sunday, it's not just because I had my period hence the dizziness, and all those horrible stuff that probably ruined half of my week. Its the frigging eclipse mints. 

Eclipse mints, if youre my friend you would know that I'm kinda allergic to mint, I would sneeze uncontrollably and end up with flu and sore throat. But that's only when I consume the double mint flavour or like the super strong flavour bad for my sensitive nose. So I would usually buy spearmint, my favourite flavour of chewing gum and eclipse. I always have eclipse in hand, during examinations, I could consume like a whole tin of them, and now come to think of it, that might be the reason why I had diarrhea and stuff. 

So I went to research, mainly just for fun, of the ingredients in Eclipse, so I went on wiki and stuff, and I could not get my hands onto the ingredients of eclipse??? What rubbish, unknown hazards as well. This horrible, so I had to dig deeper. (you know, cause I'm so free.) So I found this, here are the ingredients of my spearmint eclipse, and I will tell you the side effects of them:

1. Sorbitol
It is a sugar substitute, often used in diet foods, it is also a LAXATIVE, which draws water into the large intestine, stimulating bowel movements. Sorbitol can only be consumed 20 grams a day as sugarfree gums, if not it will aggravate irritable bowel movements. FK SEE I KNEW IT. 3 mints has 2 grams of sorbitol. THEY SHOULD FKING PUT IT ON THE LABEL AS A FKING WARNING, LOOK AT WHAT'S HAPPENING TO ME NOW. I fking took the whole tin???? that is 34 grams. 

I feel so angry that, I just feel like suing the fking company. It hurts so bad, that I can't even sleep till 5am in the morning. My stomach is so bloated and uncomfortable that I can't eat anything, or i'll puke. This totally sucks. 

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

A Nausea Feast

This post might make you sick in the stomach.
Cannot cannot really cannot. I don't know. You know, yesterday, I went to gym with my mum, I ran 2.4km, and then I had stomach ache, plus I was having my period. So it ended with a really horrible pain, because I think it's the oysters I ate in Malacca. And then at thomson plaza, damn embarrassing, because I felt so dizzy, while walking myself to the toilet, I had to stop at restaurants to lie down on their chair just to rest and gain control. DAMN WTF. HAHAHA FK.

Photo: Don't mess with cranky and sick Jo.
Ya, as expected I fainted la. I came home, and slept for a few hours, and my mum came home with porridge for dinz for me. I ate it, and puked it an hour later. Then i felt hungry so I ate some hello panda and kinder buenos, and then puked it out too. Ugh, cause I have never puked since the last time I drank milk so, it was horrible. I had a fever so I couldn't sleep well.

Photo: MY LIL' BRO'S 17th! Just look at my bare face. ILY JOHN!
Today is my 'little' brother's John's birthday, he's 17 today! :) The thing is, everyone thinks he's my elder brother, like seriously. For the whole day I didn't eat until dinz, we went to have Korean BBQ at amk central. I think it was the oil or what idk, I fking puked again. So yay... Tmr I have steamboat with my classmates but, ahhh, fingers crossed I don't puke. I'll try eating for lunch tomorrow to judge my risk for puking. Maybe drink some chinese tea. Ciao!

Monday, November 18, 2013


Photo: :P
So, I WENT TO MALACCA. Yeap, it's not a good place for a vacation, but definitely a good place for food, cause I've been eatingeatingeatingeatingeating like a pig. And my body i growinggrowinggrowinggrowing fat. so, yea that's that. BUT NOT TO WORRY cause I'm gonna exercise my butt off this week and next week, and diet like mad so that I can have a hot bikini bod for my cruise. NO MORE JUNK FOOD, JUST NO MORE.

I'm going to amore gym later for cardio latino, aero hilo and kick boxing, not to mention, running on machines! SO GO JO, I CAN DO THIS. :)

Friday, November 15, 2013

A PLAY night

Photo: @wanderlustzz @dreamsoreality
So I dyed my hair french chocolate colour, its not very obvious but, it is, in the light, oh shoot.... my parents gna kill me for that. yesterday, went out with my mum to buy some stuff, and then headed to pasir ris to meet some of my friends. At night, went to meet megan at tanjongpagar, followed by abs, we went to PLAY, for the first time, it was quite weird at first, but then we enjoyed ourselves at a later point of time. hahaha.

Photo: @dreamsoreality
Photo: @wanderlustzz
After clubbing, we went to abs house to sleep, went north point to have lunch today and now i'm home, gng malaysia tomorrow, you guys are gna miss me. ciao! ^^

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

A Free Day

Photo: Morning cartoons!  #tom&jerry
So, yesterday, went for an interview at Island Creamery in the morning, I got the job! But I can only start work at like next week or next next week! I need $ for my holiday life! Then, after that went to school for council! Then went to meet Joanne at Bishan (it was really damn fail), we ate Swensens and then she walked home with me from Bishan! (haha can see her perspiring all). It was enjoyable!! :D

Came home and did some council stuff! SO, GOODBYE FOR NOW, IM GOING TO WATCH MY SHOWS! ^^ I feel so free today, no worries about exams or whatever shit life throws at me, I DONT CARE, I LOVE IT. MAY MY WEIGHT LOSS COMMENCE.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

A Council Chalet

Photo: :)))

What a glorious day today has been (except the part when I put on weight because I seriously ate alot.) Had my last exam for this year, h1 mathematics, goodbye! now I can pack my table, shelf and throw away alot of rubbish. So morning, went to school for a levels, and then rushed home to bathe, change, watch my lost girl new season and then, went to meet Yi Shan at amk, and then Jeraldine & Tyler at Pasir Ris.

Photo: @jerrybearr @tylomere
Photo: @jerrybearr @leeyishanz @tylomere
We then proceeded to council chalet! All we did was: starting from 4 plus, sing karaoke, then eat chips, then sing somemore, then take photo, then sing somemore, then eat, then sing somemore, then went to the beach, then come back and sing, then now I'm home! :) So goodnight, y'all, this has been a pleasant day! :)

Friday, November 8, 2013

A Succubus Waiter.

Photo: Maths maths maths maths mads mads mads mad.
AHHHH, OMG LOST GIRL IS COMING OUT, I AM SO HYPED! Those of you who don't know, my favourite TV Show is Lost Girl, I even choose it over TVD, P&F and AdTime. You should go and watch, the first episode will already blow your mind. Now it's going to be season 4 on 11 Nov, Singapore time. I know right, sucks to live so far away from Canada. So, this season, I'm hoping for some things like, VALKUBUS, I MEAN HELLO?

Dyson and Bo? This Wolf-Succubus couple, nahhh, it's like Stefan & Elena kind of relationship. So boring, I don't like boring. Dyson is so, caring, and protective and like, ugh, stay away from Bo dude.

Lauren and Bo? At first I like the chemistry between the human doctor and the succubus. You know, the first episode of season 2, or was it season 3? I forgot, they hit it off so well in the some jail-like place, I forgot what was the place called. But as time goes by, it just gets so -eughhuh-, so stale, nothing much exciting. Furthermore, the Nadia came aboard and it was like, errr, Lauren how can you just leave Bo, you ass. But then Bo and Lauren got back together, and Lauren is like so, whiny and so, clingy. I was so glad that they broke up!

Ryan and Bo? It was so sexual, haha, I mean, he is always there for Bo and stuff, somemore he treat Bo's friends so good. Plus he's rich. This dark fae is quite suitor for Bo, both saving the day together and stuff. I didn't know why Bo won't be with him, maybe because he's dark fae? Or maybe he is too horny or something. hahahaha. I mean, he got Bo a human sextoy as a gift?

Tamsin and Bo? This came as a shocker because Tamsin and Bo were like enemies. Tamsin hated Bo, Bo hated Tamsin, they basically almost killed each other. But soon later, Tamsin sort of became good, but still a badass chick. And when Bo needed to feed, Tamsin gladly let Bo feed on her. This lead to a Valkubus kind of chemistry, you know what I'm saying. I kinda like that. Badass girls are so hot. Not to mention Tamsin is very pretty.

If you don't know what I'm talking about, just go watch Lost Girl okay. So today I did maths for hours and hours, I feel so fried, and I ate so much vegetables that I feel like puking. So, ciao.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

A Money Food Thought

Photo: Woo! PW IS DONEZZZZZ!!!!
I am so lazy when it comes to maths, I have been practicing and practicing but I keep getting the answers wrong la fk. I just want to get this over and done with, and proceed to getting a job and working during the short holidays. I WANT THE $$. Hahahaha, yes, I have a money face. Who doesn't? What a good day it has been, there will be no more project work exam for the rest of my life! :D It has been a tiring one year, really.

Photo: Wow look in so tall. (Don't look at my shoes.) hahaha, I feel like an extrapolation happening in this line of regression. Luv my girls! @scatteredbones @jerrybearr @wanderlustzz @huangpotato @hajarrry @hedgeehanehan @49lions
Like, project work is nonstop, after doing the preliminary idea, have to do proposal then do written report then do evaluation of materials then do slides for oral presentation then present it to examiners then finally, do insights and reflections. AHHH, PHEW, ITS ALL DONE. Well done Jo and co. Went to eat popeyes with the gang, shit sia, so fat already still eat what. ughhh. I need to lose weight.

Photo: PW is over, now maths. LET ME SLEEP PLS.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

A pregnant day.

Photo: Vampire diaries on screen. HEHEHEHHH
So, I have been home-ing for the past 2 days, is that even a word. I've been creating my own words recently. AHHH FKK I ATE SUCH A FATTENING DINNER, NOODLES. Ok, I need to maintain abit cause noodles are not like extremely fattening or something. I'm going to become Fat Amy, no, I mean, Fat Patricia. Sometimes it pains me physically to hold back sarcastic comments. I AM SO EVIL, GOSH. But I mean like, y'know, everyone is born evil... I can just rattle on and on about bullshit because I feel so alive.

I was reading Fat Amy-ish quotes, its damn funny, and entertaining, something more entertaining than pigmeg. (just sayin') Do you speak other languages? I actually speak french. French Fries & French Toast. Taking cute selfies is really hard when you're not cute. :( I love oversized sweaters, they make me feel good about myself (hide all my fats, plus it's so comfy.) *Looks into the mirror*---WTF IS THAT?? There is a reason why I'm single, it's called My Face.

So enough of that bullshit nonsensical talk. Today, my group came over to my house to practice oral presentation which was quite fail, hahaha, but at least we practiced. Hanan never come because of religious class, I mean, look gurl you gotta prioritize, it's either get a A/B for PW or what? OR WHAT? NOTHING. UGHHH, I MEAN SERIOUSLY. Whatever luh, damn zzz. Okay maybe it's her parents force her or something, my poor Hanan. :( But still.... YOU KNOW YOU ARE FKED WHEN YOUR WHOLE GROUP ISN'T PRACTICING TOGETHER THE DAY BEFORE A LEVELS.

Had dinner with Samantha & Alfred, that's why I feel so pregnant.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

A Stay Home Sunday

I knew you were trouble when you walked in, so shame on me now. Yea, omg I love that song. (Just sayin' if you were thinking otherwise, haha!) So I'm currently updating my sims, I've downloaded Sims 3 Into The Future! The last sims 3 expansion pack, can't wait to play it. I feel so tired.

So yesterday, went to meet up with Marco and Ben, and we walked damn alot, from Orchard to Dhoby to Clarke Quay to Esplanade and finally our end destination was MBS. Then we went to avalon. Lose weight sia, hahahaha. Make me perspire and all.... So, then, ya, I'm so tired now, didn't go to church today! :/ Gonna cook dinz for my parents later!

Friday, November 1, 2013

A Thor Day.

So, caught Thor, my favourite Avenger. I LOVE THOR, AND JANE FOSTER. Natalie Portman is seriously very pretty, Loki is forever evil HAHA. I forgot Kat Dennings acted in Thor! My love for Darcy, a.k.a Max from 2 Broke Girls, reminds me, I haven't been watching 2 Broke Girls, it's a comedy show go watch it!

Photo: Last day of school, (and I didn't go) but met up with my girls at JEM!
So, I skipped school today to sleep in. Last Day of school and I skipped it, tsk tsk tsk. But then met up with my girls at JEM! Went to have lunch together, and jalan jalan blablabla, that sums up my day. School has not been good to me but my School Friends are the ones that keeps me going. They so dope, I love them. But I'm damn lazy to type long winded messages for them here, All I wanna say is that, I LOVE DANYING, SHERALYN, AVERIL, HANAN, JERALDINE, ABIGAIL, HAJAR.

Okay, I bought my parents their christmas gifts, FEEL SO ACCOMPLISHED. I have not even started revision on maths, and A Levels is in 9 days time. goodjob jo, really good job.