Friday, April 5, 2013

A Presidential Week


Ciao! Anguri Noemy! Even though you won't even see this. On April 2, went to school as usual, nothing much actually, except that for PE, we played badminton, it's been a long time since I played that! THANK GOD NO NEED RUN. And these two weeks are mother tongue fortnight. On April 3, I gave my presidency speech together with Haidhar on stage, guess what we were doing backstage before our speech?

We were talking about Lady Gaga, like everyday she has to do a 2hour concert, and there we are, only going to give a 3minute speech, and yet we are super nervous. And we talked about people dying, how they worry about their days and there we were worrying about our stagefright. But all went well! :) On April 4, school was like normal, with mye xtraordinary schoolmates making school a better place to be in.

On April 5, today is today, gave my lunchtime rally, it's not even counted as lunctime because it's past 2.30. I was nervous, and dearest danying came to support me! thanks potatohead, love you vvmuch! thanks to my nec councillors that were there to support me as well and my dearest year one interns, love you all! And also, THANK YOU TYLER FOR THE THUMBS UP! :D and thenwent home!

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