Friday, April 26, 2013

A FML Week.

Photo: I look so smart, loving it!!
Photo: So proud of myself. :)
Ciao! Since Monday, I have been staying back for like THE ENTIRE WEEK. Fml man, seriously, cannot like that sia, really cannot. Tuesday, had Investiture rehearsal until 7.30pm, daddy came to fetch me. Then Wednesday, I was invested! So I'm the vice president of my council. I already feel so drained. :( Where got time to study at all man.

Photo: The retardedness
I even had to burn midnight oil just to do my project work, and my group members are like fricking idle, I mean someone has to take the initiative to do something. No excuse if you need to stay back in school or whatsoever, because I have been staying back in since every single day till 7 or later. Really was damn pissed with my group members. But I kept my calm with the advise of dy! :) After investiture, got buffet, then stay back for I-day rehearsals. fml again.

Photo: Institute day rehearsals! @jerrybearr
Then on Thursday, had to stay back and kana scolded by Mr Idris because some councilors were late, and misbehaving, dammmmmit ughhh! Stayed until 6 plus, daddy came to fetch me home. On Friday, which is today, after school went to study with dy and mh at library, then had I-day rehearsals, damn sad, I missed Abi's final match, I feel so horrible, it's like school is taking out my energy, time and money, is it even worth it?

Photo: @wanderlustzz class, look at Nicolas! :)
Next week, confirm one day I will pon school and nua on my bed the whole day, or maybe not, i'm a vice president after all. Wanna cry sia. And It's like i'm failing my tests, cannot cannot cannot. UGHHHH, I'm like the most pissed person on earth now. Okay okay, think about hungry African babies, I mean they are worse off right? poor things. :(

It's like I don't even think I have the energy to go and like someone anymore.

Monday, April 22, 2013

A Weak Week

Photo: Time to study.
Ciao! On 17th April, last Wednesday, had accounting test and investiture rehearsal after school, gonna be the new vp of my council, the happiness. :) On 18th April, last Thursday, had maths test, and had international friendship day rehearsal after school. On 19th April was International Friendship Day, my council collaborated with some teachers to do a Model United Nations General Assembly, it was quite boring yet enjoyable! Thought the NEC shirt was so stinky, mehh. After school, had investiture rehearsal again.

Photo: With grandpa!
On 19th April, finished all my projects, and then headed to plaza sing to buy some stuff. On 20th April, went for church service, learnt about relationships, how gossiping is bad and all those kind of stuff. Had music lesson and then went to have steamboat in town with my nuclear family plus grandparents!

Photo: Loving the meal~
Today, went for macs breakfast with mh and jb. MOB lesson was interestingly embarrassing. My advertisement for my product went viral. Mr Sham went to show it to other classes. ...... I mean I know the lyrics is quite retarded, "lets eat this bread, let eat this bread, lets eat (x4) this bread!" (x2), then boulangerie royale (x4), then "liver bread liver bread, yum yum yum yum" (x2), "buy it only $3.90. That's all, we were advertising for liverbread.

Photo: We fight for the good of the world. @salzz_z @mindythan @catandwhiskers
Left to Right: Mindy, Rachel, Me, Sally.

Then econs was normal, then accounting was still boring. Then after that, went to Jurong Point eat Pizzahut, with abi, hanan, dy and averil! Then I went back to school for investiture rehearsal. And dad sent me home. :) I feel so weak after doing all of that. :( I mean, I just want to lie on my bed for an entire week. Can lose weight, save money and gain back my energy.

Photo: I look so smart, loving it!!
I'm still young, yet I feel like an old person. :( Also, Fede is coming next SUNDAY, WOOHOO OMG, DAMN IT FUCK, SO EXCITED, need to pack the house... I think I'm like falling in love with two different people, what the hell. Ciao!

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

A Chatroulette Troll Day

Photo: Family portrait. Left to Right: Grandma, Twin 1, Twin 2, Mama @jesaysso @wanderlustzz
Ciao! Okay so the season 3 finale of Lost Girl was a suspense, I so wanted Tamsin and Bo to kiss after they almost killed one another, after Bo said: "You're the most alive person I've ever met." and after Tamsin said: "I've never met someone like you before, even in my many lifetimes." awww <3 and then they disappeared together with dyson at the last part, and I'm like, nononono what is happening.

Photo: Sleepy sleepy time. Cannot part with sofa. @wanderlustzz @jesaysso @monotonehuang
anyway, yesterday was a great day. Morning, went to ntuc with Jiaen to buy groceries, then together with danying, came to my house. While je and dy were doing elearning, I was cooking pasta for them! :) I cooked like the sauce, beef, linguine, salmon, mushrooms. yummmm. Tomato based. Then after cooking, waited for Abi to come, while waiting we continued doing elearning. like shit sia, so hard.

Photo: Cute guy alert on CR!! Drawing us. @wanderlustzz
Then when Abi came, we finally could eat! Then we were like watching tv channel 855, after that, continued doing elearning. Then Abi and I were like playing chatroulette and trolling people, insulting them, flirting with cute boys, telling people we're twins, calling people Ludacris and santaclaus, asking people to lose weight and shits, so fun! Then we had dinner, like some party like that siaa, got bbq chicken wings, satay and all. Then we watched money no enough 2 on my projector.

Photo: @wanderlustzz @jesaysso @monotonehuang pillows
Then abi was like nua-ing on my sofa, don't wanna go home, like seriously, stuck thr, lying thr, I was having a pillow fight with danying, hahaha!

Photo: Red Velvet Cupcake!!!
So today, I came to know that I'm the Vice President of my council, yay. And I had a free velvet cheese cupcake. As I had after school dessert with Lisa, je and maralene at jcube, pinqe-nique. Ciao!

Am I like falling in love with someone else? Dammit, stop loving people, you suck jo.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

A Chocolately Day

Photo: @jesaysso @wanderlustzz and dy!!
MA GIRLS. Minus Sheralyn.
Ciao! Whassssup. What I did on Saturday was, that I went to my grandma's house and then to my music class, ohyes I walked from my house to thr and back to my house! WOO EXERCISE BITCH. Damn fack because I finished the huge tub of chocolate ALL BY MYSELF. bleh. Then after that, went to do my hair, did some treatment which costed a bomb. tmr onwards lose weight like mad, no more sugar like ever, need to look good when Fede comes!

Photo: @sarah_victoria95 this girl so pretty.
MA GIRL, like seriously, Sarah is damn pretty, and hot. So glad to have a hot friend?
Today, went to church, then went to have lunch then stayed home the whole day to play sims. so unproductive but, as Taylor Swift said: WHATEVER LA SIA. Tmr then do elearning with my girls. Ciao! ;) Don't you think that Anna Kendrick looks like Anna Silk? (It's just that one looks older than the other.)

Anna Silk
Bo Tries To Free Lauren

Anna Kendrick
Anna Kendrick Pictures

Saturday, April 13, 2013

A Hectic Goodie Week.

Photo: RISE buffet at mbs!! :P
Ciao! On April 6th, I went out with my mum and bro to mbs to have International Buffet at RISE restaurant, GOOOOOD FOOOOD BITCHES. But also very good price. $80/person... On April 7th, went to church, after church went to watch G.I Joe at The Cathay with my family, and also ate at Popeyes, now I know why I am getting fat.

Photo: Gonna catch GIJOE
On April 8th, went to meet my fellow council mates for photo taking session at 0815, guess what, most of them were late and we started taking photos at 0845. Make me miss breakfast with mh and jb! :( And I had pledge duty. :S April 9th, also had pledge duty, I'm starting to get the hang of it, not as afraid as the first time! :D

Photo: @catandwhiskers
On April 10th, Danying bought for all of us milk from meiji, quite big the bottle! and for me, orange Juice, because me no like milk. bleh. And then I also came to know that Shirmaine said that I'm not president material I'm more of a helper, good and bad but, it ate my day, it's like saying I'm not even good enough. Stayed back for International Friendship Day rehearsal.

On 11th, went to school and after school, went Bowling and Dinner with Jia En and Maralene. Shit sia, I really need to start studying! Today, woke up super late, okay la not that late, had lunch with qianying, dy, jiaen and jiabao at pastamania! Then went to school at 2.30, and had econs and Chinese lesson, total waste of time Chinese, because I didn't even understand any shit. Then at 4.45pm was break, but I didn't eat anything.

Photo: @jerrybearr @hedgeehanehan
at 6pm, Track event started, quite fun la today, Vais came, caught up with Sarah, saw awesome tattoos, took funny pictures of dy, cheer for my house, ONYX! In the end we got second, last year we got first sia! Stupid Zircon! No la, Zircon also quite good, they really deserved it. After school at 9.30pm, went to KFC for supper with mh, abs and dy! Then trained to Yishun with Abs and parents fetched me home from thr! Ciao!

Friday, April 5, 2013

A Presidential Week


Ciao! Anguri Noemy! Even though you won't even see this. On April 2, went to school as usual, nothing much actually, except that for PE, we played badminton, it's been a long time since I played that! THANK GOD NO NEED RUN. And these two weeks are mother tongue fortnight. On April 3, I gave my presidency speech together with Haidhar on stage, guess what we were doing backstage before our speech?

We were talking about Lady Gaga, like everyday she has to do a 2hour concert, and there we are, only going to give a 3minute speech, and yet we are super nervous. And we talked about people dying, how they worry about their days and there we were worrying about our stagefright. But all went well! :) On April 4, school was like normal, with mye xtraordinary schoolmates making school a better place to be in.

On April 5, today is today, gave my lunchtime rally, it's not even counted as lunctime because it's past 2.30. I was nervous, and dearest danying came to support me! thanks potatohead, love you vvmuch! thanks to my nec councillors that were there to support me as well and my dearest year one interns, love you all! And also, THANK YOU TYLER FOR THE THUMBS UP! :D and thenwent home!

Monday, April 1, 2013

A Day of Fools

Photo: TCC
Ciao peeps. On 30 March, I was home alone, ain't that sad? I mean, except the part where I went out to find fake cockroaches. Counldn't find any! Where are the magic shops! On Sunday, went to church with my brother and then went to centrepoint for lunch cum dinner at tcc.

Photo: Dammit we're so cute! April fool's post Easter valentines day for you. @scatteredbones
Today, was a really FUN day. DY and I planned our April Fool's prank on our beloveds Jiaen, Sheralyn and Abigail, and they really believed it! They were so sad in the process, but then it was all just a prank and we rewarded them with chocolates, flowers and a nice card. :) I love my dearies. So that's about it, and I have been watching D.E.B.S and Lost Girl episodes nonstop. I really want to watch these movies: But I just don't have the time. :(

Vamp U movie poster
Oz: The Great and Powerful movie poster
Spring Breakers movie poster
The Croods movie poster
G.I. Joe: Retaliation movie poster
Scary Movie 5 movie poster
Oblivion movie poster
Iron Man 3 movie poster
Now You See Me movie poster
After Earth movie poster
Man of Steel movie poster
World War Z movie poster
Monsters University movie poster
Despicable Me 2 movie poster
Grown Ups 2 movie poster
The Wolverine movie poster
The Smurfs 2 movie poster
Kick-Ass 2 movie poster
Carrie movie poster
Thor: The Dark Worlds movie poster
The Hunger Games: Catching Fire movie poster
That's pretty much about it, ciao! Buona Notte!