Thursday, March 14, 2013

A Presidency Nomination

Ciao! As disgusto as my previous post was, this post is just as sick! ;) 11 March, Monday, I went to school as usual and I brought my laptop. So stupid, bring laptop for what, none of the lessons needed the laptop. dammmit! The slovenians came to our school, hot boys, actually no, hot teacher in pink shirt. How I wish male teachers were equally hot, so much motivation to study.


 Mob was target setting, I got a D, aiming for a C in promos 1. Accounting, omg the company accounts scaring the shit out of everyone. D: After school, went home with Jia En and Lisa! On 12 March, tuesday, first lesson alrdy pek cek, accounting. Somemore Jia En and Danying never come. :( During P.E, the most epic fall happened.

Abi came to me and said, "you piggyback me ah.", I agreed. Then she hopped onto my back, and I waslk 3 steps, fell flat forwards, resulting in bruises on my knees. Wonderful. hahaha, so funny! After maths, abi went home. :( Then during GP Lesson, my group only left Alfred, Sheralyn and me. 3 people only sia. After school, I went home with Lisa. Headed to J8 For my parent's anniversary dinner! At crystal jade steamboat! wooo!


On 13 March, Wednesday, in the morning, Ms Quek came to me and Haidhar and told us:

That we were nominated to run for president! :D I know Haidhar will win because firstly, he is so smart, secondly, he looks smart, thirdly, he is very kind. And me? Lets just say that, so far I have never been late. :D Wednesday had camp briefing, my Indonesian buddy attached to me is named Angelina Carenza. I'm the GL for my group but idk how to lead.

School was normal today, I miss Italy so so so much. Mi manchi italia, molto molto molto, ti voglio bene Federica. See what I just did, no google translate, my Italian is improving!!!

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