Friday, March 29, 2013

A Rough Week

Photo: Good effing hot camp. @haidharrr
Ciao bella. Wow it's already 29 March! Time has passed so fast! I had an Indonesian Buddy that came, her name is Angelina Carenza, so sweet, like my lil sis. On 21 March, I went for a leadership camp for the PU1s, I was the group leader of Group 6, together with Haidhar. The first day of camp was high elements, I only participated in the Flying Fox. The next day, went for low elements. On the last day, went home in the morning, and brought my buddy home as well.

Photo: Souvenir shopping!! #tourism #singapore
On 23rd March, brought Angel to the Flyer,  and then we went to watch some 6D movie thing, waste my money sia, so pissed. Then walked to The Merlion to take pictures. And then walked to Clarke Quay to have Hooters for dinner. On 24th, went to church in the morning and then went to Adventure Cove with my angel. After that, ate dinner at Malaysian Food Street. On 25th, it was HAPPY BIRTHDAY ROYDON, BESTEST FRIEND IN THE WHOLE WIDE WORLD EVER.

Photo: Canteen fun. @wanderlustzz
And the start of Term 2. Angel attended class with me throughout the day. And after school, they had an MI versus BinaBagsa school for soccer boys and basketball girls. MI lost to Indo 4-0 for soccer. MI won Indo idk how many, uncountable lol for basketball. The next day, after school had farewell lunch. On 27th, Angel went back to Indo, and my parents flew to Taiwan for a vacation.

On 28th, which was yesterday, had CIP in the morning at RenCi, so sad you know those old people, feel so much for them. After that headed to AMK for karaoke. Then went to mh boyfriend bbq, had so much fun. And now I'm back home! Good bye, ciao! AND I CUT MY HAIR, SO NOW IT'S SHORTISH LONG.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

A Busy Busy Bee Week.

Photo: Goodnight!!
Ciao! On 18 March, which was monday, stayed at home in the morning to catch up on my shows. In the afternoon, went to meet Abs at Tanah Merah and we headed to Sher's house for BBQ. Snowy, Sher's dog was so cute!!! BBQ was super delicious, I feel like having hotdogs now. It was very fun, Li ling came too! Charcoal ran out halfway and we went to Tampines Mall to buy some, and ate ice cream too. :/

Photo: Flashback
Then, on 19 March, went to my grandmother's house and then with John, we went to Gardens by the Bay. My grandmother was so intrigued by the pitcher plant! She just cannot stop talking about it, hahaha! She said she learned alot. And then we headed to Chinatown to shopshop, many people thought that we were tourist. And we tried Indonesian Bamboo Cake from a street food stall. Then we went to eat expensive sharkfin. Then we went to OG, my grandmother wanted to buy some facial stuff.

After that we went home. Today, I'm going to fetch my Indo buddy, and then go for council outing, okay ciao! Haven't study, haven't practice piano. :(

Sunday, March 17, 2013

An Interfaith Day


Ciao! On 15th March, Friday, school was normal, except the fact that I brought a super small bag to school. After school, went to the Art Science Museum with Abs, it was quite fun. And then we walked to Singapore Flyer to have popeyes! On 16 March, Saturday, early in the morning, I dropped my Ez link card in the drain. D:


Damn sway. So I had to take a taxi to Nanyang Girl's High School for Interfaith Dialogue, with Mr Idris, Haidhar, Angel and Jun Xu. It was quite a meaningful dialogue, Haidhar and I particpated in topics like, "Inclusiveness of LGBT in religion and Gender Equality". We created a discussion on "Choosing faiths as Teens". We received quite alot of people who wanted to discuss this topics, religious leaders, etc. There were monks there too, scary much, I have always been afraid of monks, I find them just weird.

Photo: @haidharrr at interfaith dialogue!!!
There were 2 monks there, the male one was weird, he was from my school in the past. The female one was very nice, she didn't creep me out at all! There was a nun as well, she is the nicest lady I've ever known! Everyone thought that Haidhar and I were a couple and asked me about interfaith marriages, damn funny. Mr Idris surprised me, he kept talking to me, and he was playing CandyCrush, and I called him a Loser, and he still took it well like a good friend. I said he looks old, he was like "at least I look wise.". New experiences.

Photo: With @wanderlustzz at ArtScience Museum!  Love this weirdo.
So unexpected, like we have a bond, so weird being so friendly to a teacher. But it was nice. And there was this super hot guy and before I left, I managed to tell him that he is very handsome. And we have been talking on fb ever since. ;) Okay, guess what naughty thing I did? I posed a rabbit ear hand thingy during photo taking, on an MP's head. So funny, cannot stop laughing.

Today, 17th March, went to church and then came home to sleep and then headed to J8 and back home. BBQ TOMORROW! WOOO! Ciao! ;)

Thursday, March 14, 2013

A Presidency Nomination

Ciao! As disgusto as my previous post was, this post is just as sick! ;) 11 March, Monday, I went to school as usual and I brought my laptop. So stupid, bring laptop for what, none of the lessons needed the laptop. dammmit! The slovenians came to our school, hot boys, actually no, hot teacher in pink shirt. How I wish male teachers were equally hot, so much motivation to study.


 Mob was target setting, I got a D, aiming for a C in promos 1. Accounting, omg the company accounts scaring the shit out of everyone. D: After school, went home with Jia En and Lisa! On 12 March, tuesday, first lesson alrdy pek cek, accounting. Somemore Jia En and Danying never come. :( During P.E, the most epic fall happened.

Abi came to me and said, "you piggyback me ah.", I agreed. Then she hopped onto my back, and I waslk 3 steps, fell flat forwards, resulting in bruises on my knees. Wonderful. hahaha, so funny! After maths, abi went home. :( Then during GP Lesson, my group only left Alfred, Sheralyn and me. 3 people only sia. After school, I went home with Lisa. Headed to J8 For my parent's anniversary dinner! At crystal jade steamboat! wooo!


On 13 March, Wednesday, in the morning, Ms Quek came to me and Haidhar and told us:

That we were nominated to run for president! :D I know Haidhar will win because firstly, he is so smart, secondly, he looks smart, thirdly, he is very kind. And me? Lets just say that, so far I have never been late. :D Wednesday had camp briefing, my Indonesian buddy attached to me is named Angelina Carenza. I'm the GL for my group but idk how to lead.

School was normal today, I miss Italy so so so much. Mi manchi italia, molto molto molto, ti voglio bene Federica. See what I just did, no google translate, my Italian is improving!!!

Sunday, March 10, 2013

A Bo Girl

Ciao! Okay, I'm going to talk about a show called Lost Girl, despite all the sexual scenes, the story is actually very good. I'm so fucking in love with Bo, the main character and can't really decide who she should be with. Bo is a Succubus, if you don't know what that is, too bad ~ Anyway, lets pair all of her lovers up shall we. GO AND WATCH IT!

Bo & Dyson - lost-girl Photo
Bo & Dyson - lost-girl Photo
Bo and Dyson
Dyson is a wolf, awesome as shitxcz! I love their chemistry, Dyson sacrificed his wolf powers to save Bo, instead the stupid evil lady took away their love as a price, and not the wolf powers. dammit. :(

Bo & Lauren  - bo-and-lauren Photo
Bo ♥ Lauren - bo-and-lauren Photo
Bo and Lauren (Doccubus)
Lauren is just a human doctor, she is super intelligent though. But she sucks. I don't really like them to be together, even though they are. Lauren should just go back to Nadia. Lauren just appears to be too needy.

Bo & Kenzi - lost-girl Photo
Bo & Kenzi - lost-girl Photo
Bo and Kenzi
Basically, Kenzi is like Bo's sister, but they have this lovey dovey thing going around, its just so interesting when they behave too much over more than sisters. (sometimes.)

Bo and The Morrigan
The Morrigan is the leader of the Dark Fae. Okay so there is also the Light Fae. The Morrigan is fucking evil, but whatever. Hahaha, but I don't really like the chemistry as well.

Bo & Ryan - lost-girl Photo

Bo and Ryan
Ryan is from Dark Fae, but he is good, and super rich, and super smart! And they almost got married, so hey, why not.

The second kiss of Bo and Tamsin

Finally, Bo and Tamsin
Tamsin is a Valkyrie, very dangerous. She sort of doesn't like Bo, but as the story goes, Bo has to feed to Tamsin to survive, and Tamsin allowed it! I SO THINK THEY SHOULD BE TOGETHER, I DON'T WANT LAUREN ANYMORE, SHE IS NOT NICE. TEAM TAMSIN!

That's for today, so damn addicted to this show man.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

A Filled Week

Photo: The sky at marina barrage. #sky #skies #clouds #kites #kite #cloud #breeze #sunny #clearskies
Ciao! Haven't blogged in days! On 4th March, school was as usual, except the fact that I had pledge duty. D: It was really scary because it was my first time doing it at the stadium. First of my batch, honoured but afraid. Although I didn't forget the pledge, I screwed up the announcement, I didn't say 'Thank You', I said, 'Ya, Okay!' And people laughed. :(

On 5th March, I did my 5 stations, and had a severe bodyache the next day. On 6th March after school, council session was quite fun! Games all the way and chat session with the new interns! On 7th March, I passed my 2.4km run, though I cried during the process because it was so torturous. Thanks to Sheralyn by cheering me on, running with me, pulling me and pushing me, I eventually passed. iloveyou sherrr!!!!

Today, 8th March is the most tiring day of the week. In the morning, went to Raffles Place at 6.30am to have breakfast with my mum. Travelled to Marina Bay Sands with Abigail. Went to Marina Barrage with my class. Had an amazing race with a sickening sun. Moreover, some facilitators were so shitty, they were so unfair and unclear, slap them sia. D:< After that, went to Rooftop of Marina Barrage to take pics with dearest dy, sher and averil!

Photo: @scatteredbones The crazy happiness of this girl is spreading like kaya. @monotonehuang #happiness
Photo: $2 worth of 20 meatballs! Plus potato!!!!
We went to Ikea at queensway to eat meatballs, very cheap sia! And then we saw people packing meatballs into huge tupperwares, so lao qui lor, hahaha. It was damn funny, we clap for them when they left. Danying shouted, "meatball party!", many people laugh in the restaurant. After that we went around Ikea pretending to play House. Damn fun! Then we headed to Tanjong Pagar.

Photo: Private masquerade party . #private #masquerade @scatteredbones #girls #asian @monotonehuang
At Tanjong Pagar, averil went somewhere else. Me, danying and sher met Jia en. We played 'navigation' to find the BBQ restaurant! Finally we found it. We eat and eat and eat, and spend alot of money! Until we all got so sick of meat. After that, we went to walk walk around the shophouses and look at bridal dresses. hahaha! Then headed to starbucks at tj but it was closed. :( We headed to Raffles shopping centre J.CO donuts and coffee and sat there and chit chat.

Today I laughed alot, despite all the stupid facilitators making me pissed. I love all my awesome pals, they are so great! But some of them do not know something about me, I should tell them sooner or later.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

A Breakup Day

Ciao! Today, I totally cut off my internet, okay maybe not totally, but I overused my data usage. :(
Today, my bf broke up with me. Truth be told, I'm not even sad. In fact, I am quite satisfied and happy. We met because of a prank call I did on him. We got together after Demi's birthday party.

He was always there for me after school, after work, he always waited. He was the early one, and apparently, I was the late one. He was always very good to me, patient with me, understanding my thoughts. But then, there's me. I always tried to avoid going home with him, try not to go out with him, I don't really understand why I did that, it might be because,

I do not see him in my future. I cannot be with someone who I do not love. Who isn't my dream. This one sided love will never last. It's me, I'm fussy, I'm picky, I'm not really girlfriend material yet, because I will only be ready when I feel my heart jump when that special someone comes, feel an adrenaline rush, feel high and red with blush.

But it's okay, I have my wonderful friends around me, so many that cares for me, they are really nice and check up on me to see if I was sad. Okay, I am doing the pledge tomorrow, first of my batch. So scary!

Saturday, March 2, 2013

A Dumb Dream

Italian Children's Books
Ola Amigo! I am 1000 miles to my beloved raggizo in Italia. :( I've been chatting with Danilo for like everyday, not Mirco. You know the circumstances, I find Danilo cute but he's just too far, like literally, and it's more than impossible, and also I have a boyfriend. I feel your pain Kim, I feel your pain Eugenio. hahaha!

Wtf am I talking about man. Go on keep dreaming woman, maybe someday you'll get there. My perfect dream, travel to Italy > meet a good italian man > date > get married > migrate > children > grandchildren. wtf, haha jolyn you mad. Overly obsessed girl.

Friday, March 1, 2013


Ciao, okay guys, guess what again? I have been blogging in my old blog and just found out about it today. LOL. So let me update you on what has been happening.

Photo: Lunch at Ikea!! Pasta + meatballs + chicken wings + fries + nuggets!
22 Feb - Stayed home to catch up on shows.
23 Feb - Godparents visited.
24 Feb - Went to church & Ikea with my family.

25 Feb - Had creative writing art elective programme in school. Jia En gave us boxes of sweets, how sweet, to cheer us up when we feel demotivated. And, had breakfast at macs with mh, jb and mhbf!

26 Feb - Had 5 stations trail for NAPHA. I PASS MY CHINESE WITH A 'D'. Aren't you all proud of me? After school went to Jurong Point with dy and mh to have dinner at KFC!

27 Feb - PW lesson was damn funny, stupid SAUCE TEACHER. I scored a 'S' grade for accounting. I am going to do Macarena for CIP Day at a hospital, brava, brava, bellissimo. Had Adam Khoo workshop and it was funny at first cause Tracy was funny, but then it got sian.

After school, chionged to mh house for BBQ with the girls! plus one boy. We were chopping food, washing food, I was marinating stingray with sambal. Filmed a harlem shake video, blablabla, very fun! HAD AN AMAZING LORRY RIDE as a transport home, Abi and I were singing our lungs out and screaming at cars.

28 Feb - STUPID PE, CURSE YOU! I finally texted my friend that I never thought would reply.

1 March - Happy 4 months bf! (It's not really counted because our monthly anniversary is on 29 of each month, sadly, Feb there's no 29) BOOO. Went to jcube to watch Jack the Giant Slayer, had Manhattan fish market for dinner and watched an ice hockey match! The end.

I just want to say that, maybe this relationship is just for the sake of the relationship. I don't know why I feel this way but when I'm with him, I was thinking about another.