I'm addicted to Jamie's World I swear, she's damn funny.
But seriously, I think I'm allergic to exercise, can't even run 1 whole round without jogging or walking.
Mind block in creating music I swear, during exams I can do all the nonsense, but after exams its like fuck, my talent has been drained. School today was useless? All I did was did morning assembly pledge duty again cause Angel was late. D:< WHY ALWAYS LATE HA??? aiya, anyway the traffic also zzz. Then right, had 4 Periods of PW, I was like doing OP Slides, and playing Sims and listening to music for the entire 2hours and 40 minutes. Like fucking waste of my time. I can do OP at home no problem at all.
Then had mother tongue, seriously my chinese really suck, my entire comprehension got a big fat cross. No it's not the Jesus cross cause God is merciful, but chinese is like some horrible mindfk thing trying to ruin my day. LOL NO KIDDING CHINESE LESSON WAS FKING HILARIOUS BECAUSE OF OURS FUNNY ANSWERS. Then had PW AGAIN. So in the end, the only shit I learn was Chinese, yayy....
![Photo: Gombak Egg prata with my peeps! @hedgeehanehan @hajarrry @49lions](https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn2/p480x480/1381539_10200822714355559_978568612_n.jpg)
After school went Bukit Gombak w Averil, Hajar and Hanan to eat prata, yeap that's my dinz. Then I walked home from amk mrt. NEEDA FRIGGING LOSE WEIGHT I TELL YOU, BELLY BULGE LIKE NOBODY'S BUSINESS. I'M JUST GNA POST MORE OF JAMIE'S CUTE PICS:
Truth: Whenever mum buys a truckload of chocolate and store it in the fridge, I'LL GOBBLE THEM ALL UP IN 3 DAYS MAX. That's why I'm down with a soar throat plus I'm so fat.
Truth: Sometimes I really don't get it, my hair would be like perfect when I sleep, but when I wake up, it's like I've been through 6 world wars and fought with a lion.
Truth: Is that a Hannah Montana pillow??? CAUSE THAT'S DOPE.
Truth: Why do you think I keep so many toys??
Truth: enough said, why can't the person I like see me look nice or something idk.
Truth: This is the truth, except when it's school. If I'm at home: ''I don't want to go to school.'' If I'm at school: ''I want to go home."
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