![Photo: YAYYY can order class photos alrdy!](https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn2/p480x480/1378517_10200801418063165_1101305280_n.jpg)
Okay Jo, you needa maintain, A Levels are coming. NOOOOOO. It's like, I feel like my O's have just finished and now I'm actually starting on my A's. yayyy to my freaky study no life. Can't really remember what I did for the weekends. But anyway, today is a damn ZZZ day, those people who didn't come, good for you. :(
![Photo: AHHH DAMN LAZY TO GO](https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-frc3/p480x480/1377596_10200807362051761_609392298_n.jpg)
The day started out right though, but it also sucks. So I went to school at 8am instead of 9am because I had to do 2 assemblies. Guess what? It rained so no 8am assembly, can't believe I missed my 1 hour extra sleep. Its ok. 9am assembly, I had pledge duty. Mr Azman, Mr Zachary Lim, Mdm Yani all commented on my duty performance today, they said, ''VERY GOOD INITATIVE.'' Then Mr Azman praised me, ''HOPE YOUR INITIATIVE CAN RUB ONTO THE OTHER COUNCILLORS.'' I was like YAYYY. If you wanna know what I did... Just ask me, shy ley.
![Photo: Lobster pomodoro at Canopy!! With @wanderlustzz @jesaysso](https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn2/p480x480/1375057_10200817916915626_2137221514_n.jpg)
Anyway, first period was PE. Ran frigging 3 rounds on the track, played captain's ball and ultimate frisbee but no kik ley, I still felt damn restless like ugh get it done and over with PE alrdy thx. Then had break, NO CARB DIET UH. Then had 2 periods of maths, very productive. Then didn't have mother tongue, so like the whole day I have 4 period day, YAY FKING WASTED.
![Photo: Bishan Park w my buds. @jesaysso @wanderlustzz](https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/p480x480/935973_10200818209042929_1131282341_n.jpg)
Then after that 4 periods of maths at LR2. ZZZZ I really felt like shit ok, damn dry the lesson, I cannot even. Anyway right, after school, chiong ahhh, CHIONG TO BISHAN PARK TO EAT AT CANOPY with Abi and Jia en! Then went home~ :D OKAY THATS IT GOTTA DO MY CHINESE NOW, CIAO.
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