![Photo: MOB last warning I tell you.](https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/p480x480/1186238_10200723891805057_1616485015_n.jpg)
If you didn't read the last post, I will just write it here. P = Another name for my studies, because P means Pathetic. This stupid need/hate r/s I have got going on with my studies really need to stop. Anyway, yesterday around midnight plus plus, my father went to the hospital. Not gna tell you what he's diagnosed with. :(
So a quick update on my studies? Nothing is going well, the whole holiday is like, wtf was I even doing. Though I remade notes, I still use my old notes, like fk my effort is wasted man. All the time spent wasted. Really can't wait for exams to end. Then I can play like mad alrdy. Like econs, oh man, I nv even touch a single shit on that. Accounting? Need I say much? MOB is just the worst shit ever.
Like I mean hello, frigging how many topics man, even though Mr Sham like cut down the topics by alot (or so he said) there's still a truckload of chapters man. Like HRM is a huge ass chapter! Marketing consists of Intro, sales forecast, price, product, promotion and place? Like errr, can you pls at elast specify. Then on production there is the types of production, total quality management, stock control?? I'm not a fking genius man.
These days I have been eating so much, I feel so sick and fat. Like, mooncake, I ate dk how many, 1 mooncake is like 1000 calories, can you believe that shit. And I ate like how many. Eclipse, oh man, i'm addicted to that sweet.And chocolates, idk why my mum bought so much. My meals this week consists of Pizza and Porridge and Pasta. Double chin here I come. Somemore like next friday gng to Hardwell & Zouk, like how am I going to show my face.
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