![Photo: No filter, me and my girls~ @hajarrry @hedgeehanehan @jerrybearr and Averil!](https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/p480x480/1393379_10200872905090296_1079998004_n.jpg)
My hair smells like swimming pool water. ew. And I just killed 10 ants. Isn't it wonderful? Today was a really great day even though I dreaded to go to school. Had to meet Mr Azman in the morning for the minister thingy, like prep us for the meeting on monday. Certain issues I am going to raise are:
Since JC students are still using the student card for transport, I think we should be entitled to dental and healthcare like primary and secondary school kids. Moreover, as we get older, our health be it dental or physical health, it gets worser, hence WE NEED SOME HEALTHCARE INCENTIVES, don't you think so?
Okay, let me ask you. So far on our learning journeys, starting from Primary school, Secondary school and JC, what kind of learning journeys have we been on? a)Mosque b)Chinese Temple c)Hindu Temple d)Singapore Flyer e)Science Centre, the clear cut answer is all of the above. WHERE IS THE LEARNING JOURNEY TO CHURCH? I thought Singapore is a multi-racial, multi-religion society, how come never bring us to church, what is this huh.
![Photo: LETS SWIM](https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn2/p480x480/1377625_10200872752006469_434188403_n.jpg)
![Photo: Bakery story by @hajarrry thanks!](https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/p480x480/1393685_10200871748621385_446152372_n.jpg)
Any issues you would like me to raise just whatsapp or facebook or tweet me. Next, omg, 4 periods of maths, I was like, "Just kill me now." Frigging did test paper and hypothesis testing. After that Averil and I went to the library to borrow a movie and a board game to play during HTP and while waiting for Hanan to end her consultation. We play until even the teacher join in a play non-stop. Our school end at 12.45pm, the teacher sat and play with us until 2pm. LOL.
![Photo: @jerrybearr and Averil!! :)](https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn2/p480x480/1378107_10200872833848515_1721943851_n.jpg)
After that we went to CCK for gym and a swim. :) I RAN 2.4, AND WALKED 1.2KM. Not bad right, plus swim, I think burn like only 300 calories but whatever luh not bad. Ate dinner with the girls and then here I am. Gna audi with dy, mh and shermin ltrr, hahahaa fk, gna start again.
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