![Photo: DINNER BY MUM! Salmon fillet + cheese sausage + beef sausage + LAYS chips + baby tomatoes + Brocoli.](https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-frc3/p480x480/1385737_10200938659054104_1032905636_n.jpg)
mum cooked this yesterday! :)
Okay! I shall dye my hair red on 11 Nov! Seem pretty cool I think. Today was damn embarrassing I tell you. Like okay, I'll tell you my embarrassing moments of today:
1) Mdm Yani and I talked into the mic at the same time, during assembly, I mean like, errr awkward much? And we both said "guys" at the same time. Like all the students staring at us on stage all. Shit.
2) When I was announcing the announcements, wtf, the announcement is always wrong? The paper that they give me wrote, "We would like to gather your invaluable feedback." When I was reading it out loud to the whole school, my face was showing the 'wtf' expression. I mean like, the announcement was literally implying that HEY STUDENTS YOUR FEEDBACK IS NOT VALUABLE AT ALL BUT WE WOULD LOVE YOUR FEEDBACK THANKS. Like errrr, goodness, type properly next time can.
3) As you know, when mother tongue class makes me write an essay, I will always copy from the internet, duh. To gain high scores. But like, today the teacher found out I did that, haha..... Shit. Then she was like, "did you copy this?" (in chinese), then I was like, "omg how you know?", ya I said that. Plus I was wearing my vice-president batch so..... embarrassing much?
So those were the embarrassing moments of today. Moving on, ahhh tomorrow got another presentation, but last for this week so yay. AND TODAY IS THE LAST MOTHER TONGUE LESSON OF MY LIFE (HOPEFULLY.) So, yayyyy. What is chinese? Even Italian seems so much easier!
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