![Photo: Someone broke her $10 note, literally broke, teared, destroyed.](https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-frc3/p480x480/1378480_10200988377057023_281199103_n.jpg)
That's Hameezah and her broken $10 note.
10 things I hate about myself:
1) my laziness
2) my fats
3) i'm always broke
4) my lack of intellect
5) not very nice personality
6) bad hair
7) dry skin
8) flat nose
9) my messy table and room and wardrobe
10) my grades
Yea see, so many things, I can actually list a 100. How did I even survive 18 years, hahaha. nonono, I needa club on Saturday, who wants to come along? :) pwpwpwppwpwpw, just ugh, everything is fine for pw except the stupid responding questions thingy and the insight & reflections, I HAVE NOT EVEN STARTED ON REVISING MATHS. And A Levels is just in less than 2 weeks, so I'm fked. My chinese already so cui....
What I want sia, I NEED TO STUDY NOWNOWNOWNOW, GET OFF THIS COMP NOW, PLS. Ok, time to burn midnight oil to catchup. I can actually imagine my classmates chionging for maths, and I'm here typing this shit.
Be sure to watch or listen to my cover of Alive:
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