![Photo: Life and times of sher and Jo (only when sher comes to school, finally.) @scatteredbones](https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-frc3/p480x480/1377257_10200897887034829_80212786_n.jpg)
I'm actually considering to get a second tattoo after my A Levels, what should I get? Should I get like initials of my family members or something? I don't know. Anyway I 've killed like more than a hundred ants, so I'M A SERIAL ANT KILLER. Beware of me. I'm so tired I feel like sleeping but I have shitloads of stuff to complete. Need to redo the powerpoint slides because Marvin only sent it to me today. zzz.
![Photo: We don't just stop at Maths. @scatteredbones](https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn2/p480x480/1383906_10200897953556492_312803041_n.jpg)
And then I have to rewrite my script on the cue cards. Then I need to practice and time myself for the oral presentation, anyone wanna come watch my presentation on 6 November in School? Ofcourse you gotta wear my school's uniform. Next, today is an amazing day because two of my amazing partners finally came to school after like since last thursday. Had boring old maths in the morning and then PW, and then some reflection lecture, really taking a toll and testing my patience man.
![Photo: Gurl you take me on a riddddeeee ~ tell me whr you wna go ooooooh. @scatteredbones](https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/p480x480/1385279_10200898323965752_421997068_n.jpg)
I can't even fking skip school because I'm like the vice prez, like even my form teacher was like, "You vice president lea, how can don't come to school." I wanna vomit blood. After school, went for this super good spa at Amore. Woo, it was so relaxing, and ticklish ah, I kept squealing. Okay the song going through my head is WHAT DOES THE FOX SAY. Go hear it if you have not heard. hahaha. I don't know but these few days, I feel like fainting. FKING DEHYDRATED.
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