![Photo: Right here right now](https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/p480x480/1000887_10200264660324557_1681745742_n.jpg)
Ciao! Rick's in Florida, oh the jealousy. Okay maybe I need a therapist or something, like a shrink. I'm left with econs, econs I tell you! Eff that subject, eff its existence. Anyway, know I'm so tired of living, idk what the hell am I doing with life, maybe it's because I'm still young. AHHHH NEED MORE MONEY. Definitely need more love, but I don't know really. Know Rick, I kinda miss him, like alot. When was the last time I talked to him? 1 hour ago. But when was the last time I saw him? 1 MONTH AGO. This sux.
But this thing will never work anyway, as far as I dream to marry that human specimen kind of species, it just too far in the future. HEH. Anyway, I kinda like someone local already, just so confused, don't know what I want. With exams in 1 week, I feel like crap, I feel unprepared, didn't really study this holiday, I didn't really study, there is no kind of motivation at all.
Plus, where is the stupid haze? Come back bitch, come back you hazey haze, I need you, I NEED YOU TO EXTEND MY HOLIDAYS, SO PLEASE I BEG YOU. A Level mother tongue oral is coming next month, and my chinese is still.. Plus I'm so stressed up about my weight. Where is the fun. I feel so bored with everything, I need something new to play with. :( Maybe I shall go call that counselling hotline. Ciao.
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