Friday, June 7, 2013

A Friendly Letter.

Ciao! Today, abs and jia en came over to study at my house, it was fun. After jia en left at 4.15pm, abigail and I watched shows, ate dinner and played chatroulette, abs even slept! hahahha, sleepyhead. Anyway, I realized that I've not really blogged about my friends and stuff you know, like gave an update of love life all that, so I'm just going to do that now, maybe I'll even write a book? hahaha, that's not possible. I'm just going to show you who my friends are, as in they are my friends.

Roydon - Toys'r'us Vivocity

Dan Ying - IKEA Queenstown

Sheralyn - School

Jia En - Ice Skating

Abigail - Scape

Federica - 313

Ming Hui - Sports Day

Jia Bao - Stadium

Qian Ying - Need to take picture with her.

Rachel - School Sports Meet

Haidhar - Leadership Camp

Averil - Need to take picture with her, like seriously.

Riccardo - River Safari

Noemy - Forever 21

Angelina - Jurong Point Crystal Jade

Li Ling - Also don't know why we never take any pictures tgt.

Hanan - M.I Mart

Jeraldine - My house

Kimberley - Centrale Del Latte, Salerno, Italy

Sarah - M.I Sports Meet

Clara - Train Cabin

Yeap, Ciao!

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