So I'm going to briefly continue where I left off. Saturday (11 May), went for Institute Day early in the morning, threw Federica to Kim's house while I went to school, ON A SATURDAY. After serving the guests, we went to shop in Forever 21, Far East Plaza and stuff. Then went to Gardens by the Bay to meet up with the rest of the italian gang. Went to eat at Bugis and lepak in some memorial in City Hall.
Sunday (12 May), went to Universal Studios, it was a good time, ate dinner with the rest at Habourfront Centre, so cheapskate sia, dinner together at this kind of place.
Monday (13 May), brought Fede to school, after school went to JCube to eat ice cream and lepak there. At night went airport to send them off, the end of their time in Singapore. Come back next time, or not.
Tuesday (14 May), didn't attend school, nua at home. Wednesday (15 May), submitted the claims for the receipts, can't really remember much of anything. Thursday (16 May) went to school, after school went to eat colourful xlb with Jia En and Abi at Paradise Dynasty.
Friday (17 May) had CCA after school, then went to the bread factory with Abigail and Kimberley. Saturday (18 May) stay at home and nua. Sunday (19 May) went to church, went for music lesson. Life is a cycle. Monday (20 May) business as usual, Tuesday (21 May) business as usual.
Wednesday (22 May), our class timetable swap with Thursday's, so there you go, something different. Thursday (23 May), after school, went to Jalan Besar Stadium to watch football girls match, and they lost to VJC, but still got 2nd place in the whole A div, bravo.
Friday (24 May), Vesak Day, but I not a buddhist so, GO JESUS, WE ENTHRONE YOU! :)
Saturday (25 May) went to church in the late afternoon and then went to eat dimsum at Swee Choon with Averil, DY, QY, Abigail and my brother, damn delicious, that's why I'm fat. Monday (27 May), went to eat prata after school at Bukit Gombak with QY, DY, Hanan, Jeraldine and Abigail.
Tuesday (28 May), went to JP with QY and DY to buy Rachel present, went to visit my father at his workplace and gave him a shock, AND MY NEW PIANO CAME!!!!
Wednesday (29 May), Happy Birthday Rachel. Thursday (30 May), GP and Chinese Exam, after school went to eat with Hanan and DY at KFC, we flipped a coin.
Friday (31 May) alot of people skipped school. I had CCA after school, received the new interns and planned many many things. It was family day and obviously I didn't eat with my family cause they got cell group.
![Photo: Counting down, 8 more days!](https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/p480x480/634_10200183257569539_1024926292_n.jpg)
Saturday (1 June), nua at home and went to church in the late afternoon, after which went to eat at Bliss Restaurant with my family.
![Photo: Dinner cooked by my father!](https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/p480x480/935784_10200186060679615_47240623_n.jpg)
Sunday (2 June) just stayed at home the whole day while daddy cooked dinner, I was catching up with my shows and got hooked onto this new show called Continuum, dammit how much I love Canadian TV Shows.
![Photo: Woooo steamboat! :)](https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn2/p480x480/969643_10200195287990292_1519572586_n.jpg)
Monday (3 June), stayed home and studied maths like mad and then had Xiao Long Bao steamboat buffet at Holland V with my girls, plus one boy.
![Photo: Olala lunch!! Look at my mum.](https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/p480x480/375681_10200195556357001_2107439479_n.jpg)
Tuesday (4 June) went for Laser Facial, it was a great experience after which went shopping with my mum and brother. We ate at Ion's Paradise Dynasty, ordered Fried Rice, Pumpkin Desert, Fried Red Bean Desert, 8 Colourful XLB, Braised Beef Noodle Soup, Pork Dumpling noodle soup, and guess how much was the total meal? $1.45, because we caught a baby kroach on the table. Today (5 June), suppose to study but fuck it, I wanna play, it's the holidays, tomorrow then study maths, or not. Anyway, I pretty much covered most topics in Maths. So boo yoo. Ciao.
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