Tuesday, June 11, 2013

A Birthday To Remember

Ciao! Happy Belated 18th to me! It was a great day, yesterday. Have I mentioned how much I love my friends? So I had a party yesterday. Roydon, my bestest friend, brother, neighbour, ex schoolmate, ex classmate, blablabla, came in the morning to help me out for the party prep.

We watched Harry Potter 1, just for DanYing, Rachel had to leave early though.. :( We took polaroids and then cut the cake, which was so awesome, the cake was so beautiful! (because I didn't bake it.) Anyway, after that, I had -opening presents- session, and I want to thank everyone for the presents, it's the thought that counts, I feel so touched. :') Okay, abigail gave me 3 panties from topshop, namely batman panties, USA States panties and this sexy lacey now, okay, time to get kinky on chatroulette. ;)

We played hunt the pig, it was so retarded! Okay i'm just going to name out all my friends who came okay? Danying, Abigail, Qianying, Minghui, Jiaen, Jiabao, Rachel, Hanan, Jeraldine, Roydon, Sheralyn. Love them all. They are so good to me! My birthday wish is that, they could eventually resolve their issues, and that we could all eat together during recess, like all 10 of us (excluding Roydon of course). Time will heal wounds, I'm so glad that Sheralyn and Danying had short conversations yesterday. Also, Danying and Jiaen had short convos too. :D

Anyway, after all those drinking games, Jiaen, Abigail, Jeraldine and Danying's face became so red, hahaha! Cannot take alcohol one they, heeheehee. After the party, John and I cleaned up. Now I have to go reply those people on facebook. And yesterday night, idk what, or why, I talked to Megan till I fell asleep. And we have different nicknames now, instead of dog and dog. It's Bo and Kenzi. LOL. Yea lost girls baby. Ciao! Anguri and Buon Compleanno to mua.

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