![Photo: This is called a lazy afternoon.](https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/p480x480/1017242_10200245472964885_1274821222_n.jpg)
Ciao! Hey look! it's 17 June alrdy. 13 more days I guess. So on Friday, I went to get my laser skin treatment done. And then did some shopping with my mum. Not to mention had buffet with my cousins at Merchant Court Hotel! :) And then the rest of the days Ive wasted on Family Guy. And talking to Kenzi everynight, okay maybe it was midnight, to morning. Bo get a grip bitch.
![Photo: How I wish I was skinny so I don't have to run. :(](https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/p480x480/600313_10200226841979122_1219854205_n.jpg)
Not to mention, I have been irritating my brother with 'Once Upon a Dream' and 'Someday My Prince Will Come' and 'A Dream Is A Wish Your Heart Makes', yea baby disney songs to piss you off. *wink. I am so tired, I don't know how to live anymore, I'm also not sure if I have diabetes. I mean here are the symptoms that I have observed that I have or something, okay I don't know how to phrase that.
-Increased Fatigue, maybe it's just because I'm a lazy bum who sleeps late.
-Itchy Skin, it could be the heat or the haze but my skin is definitely itchy.
-Unquenchable Thirst, maybe I'm just not drinking enough water.
Isn't he gorgeous as fuck?
Idk, maybe it's just gestational diabetes because of the increased sugar intake and the decreased vege intake. THANKS TO CAKES, KINDER BUENOS, POTATO CHIPS (idk how this counts but), whatever. Maybe I'm just paranoid. Okay ciao! Au revoir maybe, probably switching to become obsessed with french for now. Bonjour, je mappelle Jolyn, Bonsoir, okay, Oui, Non, Uh, Duh, Twah, Quattre, Cinq, blablabla. Pretty much going to change my blog after exams or something! AND I WENT TO WATCH MAN OF STEEL YESTERDAY, LOVED IT.
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