Friday, June 28, 2013

A Rant Pig Moment

No pictures for you pervs. ;)

Prevyet, that's hello in Russian. I'm just going to rant for today, pardon my feelings because I don't know how to feel anymore, this exam stress is piling up. I have never been so stressed up about exams not even O Levels or whatever PSLE shit happened. It's different this time, if you compare me this year and lastlast year, you're going to be blown, to bits and pieces. All I ever wanted to do was party, live life, find some cool people strolling earth, engage myself in entertainment. Now? ALL I WANNA DO IS SLEEP LIE ON THIS BED NOW AND TILL WHENEVER I WANT TO STOP.

How cruel is that? Life ain't gonna want me to live it up cuz I'm not J.Lo. Exams are on Monday and this shit counts, I pretty much screwed up promos 1 last year, maybe it's my third rathole it's closing that's why I'm feeling the everything that I didn't feel years ago. I have no shit up in my brain, all that's there is er nothing much, wondering what my crush is doing or something easier than putting my brains to the test.

The problem is, I'm getting fat and lazy at home, in in love with the thought of sleeping in, I don't have a lovah to play with or have fun with, I need a pet, yes. I don't even want to study, if only there was an alternate path to get billionaire rich, that's mine, I would take it, Jesus show me the way cuz I'm no saint...... :( that's what I'm saying, I'm leading a meaningless life, aimlessly. Hey maths could you maybe SOLVE YOUR OWN FUCKING PROBLEMS? Hey accounting could you maybe NOT BE SO PROUD AND ALL AND USE THE CALCULATOR TO COUNT YOURSELF.

Butch please. What about you business, maybe mind your own business? Don't make me poke my nose into your business? And you Econs, this ain't no joke y'all, check up wall street yourself and prevent another crisis to ensure to lameness theories come to surface cuz I don't give a crap about Keynesian bullshit. OKAY IM DONE RANTING NOW!! Pardon my language I was really pissed and had a panic attack. 

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Photo: Love my paramore tee. #nofilter
Привет. Thats means Ciao in Russian, my new favourite language. Apparently you know something mysterious, I can read the Russian alphabets, its like its built in me, maybe I dreamt of learning Russian of something but anyway, I can only read the pronunciation but I don't know the meaning.
Today I'm going to write about THINGS THAT SHOULDN'T EXIST IN THE WORLD. Also known as Stuff I Hate.

1. Traffic. (No way in hell am I going to be late.)
2. Wet Park Benches. (Defeats the purpose of a bench.)
3. Ankle Blisters. (Horrible, just horrible.)
4. Cramps. (Definitely the most terrible thing I've ever experienced.)
5. Flying Insects. (Your presence isn't appreciate, GTFO)

6. School Rules. (It just gives Teachers a reason to scold, sadistic bitches.)
7. Uncomfortable Chairs. (WTH are you made for if not for comfort?)
8. Headachces. (They will never leave me alone.)
9. People Who Are LATE. (Just don't bother to turn up at all, thanks.)
10. Boring TV Shows. (Nobody is watching, you have no reason to live.)

11. People Who Overeact (Seriously, get over it.)
12. Bombs. (You just add pages to history books.)
13. Smelly Toilets. (Can't believe people can be so uncivilized)
14. People Who Answer Phones At Movies. (THEY SHOULD DIE.)
15. Tripping Over. (Dammit, the clumsiness is just intolerable.)

16. Power Failure At Night. (Guess when's the best time?)
17. People Who Smell Bad. (I mean, take a shower already?)
18. Forgetting Things. (Dory much?)
19. Automatic Bathroom Equip. (They don't work do they, the auto tap, auto flush..)
20. Waiting In Line. (No way on earth we've got time for dat shit.)

10 Things I hate in School, like seriously my school.
1. They Tapping System (Serves NO purpose.)
2. Limited Colors for Shoes (I don't get it.)
3. Timetable Planner (The planner has no other purpose in life other than ruining and wasting my time.)
4. Birds in the Canteen & Cafe (Hire the Bird Killer already!)
5. Lift Limits (What is the purpose of the Lift if it is underutilized?)

6. The No. of Stairs To Get To Class (Physical Education every weekday.)
7. NAPHA TEST (It's so stupid, why must we be fit?)
8. The Admin Staff Punk(She thinks she is so good, I spit at her presence, woman who has no regard to student respect, here's all the respect I have for you bitch.)
9. My Classroom Position (It's so high...)
10. Teachers Who Put Councillors in a Difficult Position (If you think it's easy, try it, we're doing out best dammit.)

10 Things I Love in School
1. My Friends (Love them all.)
2. My Council (Lucky to have them.)
3. Late Coming-Duty (FUN OR FUN?)
4. School Proclaimed Holidays (Unexpected, I Love It.)
5. Mrs Koh (Cuz she hot.)

6. Teachers Who Try Their Best (I really appreciate it.)
7. MI.WORLD (Amazing Experience.)
8. Level of Competition (It's perfect, for me to slack and study at the same time.)
9. Funny School Spirit (It's just a joke, I like it.)
10. Chinese Teachers (They are so fun!)

So, that's about it, Привет.

Monday, June 24, 2013

A Stressed Weekend.

Photo: Right here right now
Ciao! Rick's in Florida, oh the jealousy. Okay maybe I need a therapist or something, like a shrink. I'm left with econs, econs I tell you! Eff that subject, eff its existence. Anyway, know I'm so tired of living, idk what the hell am I doing with life, maybe it's because I'm still young. AHHHH NEED MORE MONEY. Definitely need more love, but I don't know really. Know Rick, I kinda miss him, like alot. When was the last time I talked to him? 1 hour ago. But when was the last time I saw him? 1 MONTH AGO. This sux.

But this thing will never work anyway, as far as I dream to marry that human specimen kind of species, it just  too far in the future. HEH. Anyway, I kinda like someone local already, just so confused, don't know what I want. With exams in 1 week, I feel like crap, I feel unprepared, didn't really study this holiday, I didn't really study, there is no kind of motivation at all.

Plus, where is the stupid haze? Come back bitch, come back you hazey haze, I need you, I NEED YOU TO EXTEND MY HOLIDAYS, SO PLEASE I BEG YOU. A Level mother tongue oral is coming next month, and my chinese is still.. Plus I'm so stressed up about my weight. Where is the fun. I feel so bored with everything, I need something new to play with. :( Maybe I shall go call that counselling hotline. Ciao.

Friday, June 21, 2013

A Hazey Week

Photo: Essentials for a haze day
Singapore's weather is so shitty that it is now normal to wear like this out.
Ciao! It's 21 June!How time flies, and now it's left with one week more to exams, yay fml. so the psi of the haze is currently 367, hurray we are all going to suffocate like what happened yesterday, asthma attack. Horribility. On 17, 18 and 19 June I studied MOB like crazy and wet out for facial. On 20 June, I woke up at 11.45am, went out at 12.15pm to go to amkhub to watch Monster's University at 12.45pm, and after the movie ate late lunch and then watched World War Z at 3.40pm. SUPER DUPER NICE MAN!!! Okay that's all! :) Ciao!

Monday, June 17, 2013

A Disney Fairytale Song

Photo: This is called a lazy afternoon.
Ciao! Hey look! it's 17 June alrdy. 13 more days I guess. So on Friday, I went to get my laser skin treatment done. And then did some shopping with my mum. Not to mention had buffet with my cousins at Merchant Court Hotel! :) And then the rest of the days Ive wasted on Family Guy. And talking to Kenzi everynight, okay maybe it was midnight, to morning. Bo get a grip bitch.

Photo: How I wish I was skinny so I don't have to run. :(
Not to mention, I have been irritating my brother with 'Once Upon a Dream' and 'Someday My Prince Will Come' and 'A Dream Is A Wish Your Heart Makes', yea baby disney songs to piss you off. *wink. I am so tired, I don't know how to live anymore, I'm also not sure if I have diabetes. I mean here are the symptoms that I have observed that I have or something, okay I don't know how to phrase that.

-Increased Fatigue, maybe it's just because I'm a lazy bum who sleeps late.
-Itchy Skin, it could be the heat or the haze but my skin is definitely itchy.
-Unquenchable Thirst, maybe I'm just not drinking enough water.

Isn't he gorgeous as fuck?
Idk, maybe it's just gestational diabetes because of the increased sugar intake and the decreased vege intake. THANKS TO CAKES, KINDER BUENOS, POTATO CHIPS (idk how this counts but), whatever. Maybe I'm just paranoid. Okay ciao! Au revoir maybe, probably switching to become obsessed with french for now. Bonjour, je mappelle Jolyn, Bonsoir, okay, Oui, Non, Uh, Duh, Twah, Quattre, Cinq, blablabla. Pretty much going to change my blog after exams or something! AND I WENT TO WATCH MAN OF STEEL YESTERDAY, LOVED IT.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

A Business Day

Ciao! Damn it la hor, I bought 4D yesterday my number so close, 1 digit only, I was like wtf wtf wtf for the whole day. I was studying MOB the whole day, hardworking right? And I just played guess the person with Kenz. hahahaha. Anyway, gonna continue this MOB bullshit. For all you know, I might get a B again, the trick is, okay, I'm not going to tell you the trick. bleh. Later gonna go for Laser thingy. :)

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

A Birthday To Remember

Ciao! Happy Belated 18th to me! It was a great day, yesterday. Have I mentioned how much I love my friends? So I had a party yesterday. Roydon, my bestest friend, brother, neighbour, ex schoolmate, ex classmate, blablabla, came in the morning to help me out for the party prep.

We watched Harry Potter 1, just for DanYing, Rachel had to leave early though.. :( We took polaroids and then cut the cake, which was so awesome, the cake was so beautiful! (because I didn't bake it.) Anyway, after that, I had -opening presents- session, and I want to thank everyone for the presents, it's the thought that counts, I feel so touched. :') Okay, abigail gave me 3 panties from topshop, namely batman panties, USA States panties and this sexy lacey now, okay, time to get kinky on chatroulette. ;)

We played hunt the pig, it was so retarded! Okay i'm just going to name out all my friends who came okay? Danying, Abigail, Qianying, Minghui, Jiaen, Jiabao, Rachel, Hanan, Jeraldine, Roydon, Sheralyn. Love them all. They are so good to me! My birthday wish is that, they could eventually resolve their issues, and that we could all eat together during recess, like all 10 of us (excluding Roydon of course). Time will heal wounds, I'm so glad that Sheralyn and Danying had short conversations yesterday. Also, Danying and Jiaen had short convos too. :D

Anyway, after all those drinking games, Jiaen, Abigail, Jeraldine and Danying's face became so red, hahaha! Cannot take alcohol one they, heeheehee. After the party, John and I cleaned up. Now I have to go reply those people on facebook. And yesterday night, idk what, or why, I talked to Megan till I fell asleep. And we have different nicknames now, instead of dog and dog. It's Bo and Kenzi. LOL. Yea lost girls baby. Ciao! Anguri and Buon Compleanno to mua.

Sunday, June 9, 2013

A Pre-18th Post.

This was me, '08. (you'll be shock to know what I looked like in '07, i'll never show anyone except those who have already seen how I was.) Enjoy your day.
Ciao everyone! Today, went to church and went to buy stuff for my party, I'll prefer to call it a gathering? haha, yeap, turning 18 tomorrow, 18 years of my life, I've accomplished many things, and been through many things, will blog about my accomplishments in the next blog, I am currently rushing for something. SO CIAO! TIAMO.

Saturday, June 8, 2013

A World of Drama

Photo: Chatroulette-ing tgt @wanderlustzz
Ciao! Today I just stayed home, my aunt and uncle came over. that's all. And I finished watching The Lying Game! Moving onto another show, anyone want to intro any good tv AMERICAN shows? Not interested in chinese, korean, hongkong or taiwanese drama, just not very 'real'. I mean, if you look at most of the dramas, this is what you will notice. Plus all these shows, I randomly saw them on a drama website.

Highs and Lows
Ghetto Justice TVB
The Mysteries of Love TVB
Hong Kong dramas:
It's so mainstream that the popular ones will only be about Police or Lawyers, Doctors. tada, It's either this is not my biological father or that's about it actually. Or it's about some rich family and their family madness. And repeat, in most of the dramas.

Taiwanese dramas:
Okay, talk about haipaitianxin, seriously, that will never happen in real life, or 'it started with a kiss', yup, tell me got anyone so lucky can live in the same house as your crush? another one, what's that drama name, would you be so stupid to go and act as a boy, just to get close to a boy? doesn't make sense.

Chinese dramas:
Well, the thing is, I suck at chinese, even with english subtitles, I just don't read them fast enough, so boo and goodluck to me on that. Though the stories are quite interesting, I mean its mostly about the past, those huangshang, palace maids, concubines, empresses, empress dowagers, and their quest to destroy one another. Am I right?

Korean dramas:
Okay, tell me, have you noticed that ( the guy actors always have this 'teary' eyed, bloodshot eyed face, don't believe i'll show you.) See: HOW DO THEY DO THAT?

The thing that I don't really fancy korean drama is that, it's all about the girl, YES IT'S ALL ABOUT THE GIRL AND THE BOY, that's all. The whole story revolves around the couple, from when they were young and blablabla, they meet in the future or something like that. Or, it's about this 4 boys, or this fairytale that will never exist on earth, or in this era. They all have the same hairstyles.

Which boils down to American Dramas:
Basically I LOVE HOW FUNNY THE SHOWS ARE. 2 Brokegirls, I mean, who would've thought about girls building a cupcake dream, and add a horse to it? New Girl, basically talking about an american city lifestyle. Awesome or what? But I'm just getting sick of Desperate Housewives, CSI. Seasons after seasons is what people want to watch, a continuation of 'what happens after this.'

English Dramas:
The english dramas have this age of kings and wizards stunt. I mean, Game of Thrones, Merlin, Camelot, Legend of the Seeker, yeap, totally knew where that came from.

Canadian Dramas:
Adding a supernatural scifi touch to the storyline doesnt hurt, in fact its quite interesting. Lost Girl, Continuum, wonderful mysteries, LOVE IT, LOVE IT. Mainly because I can understand. If only I understood Spanish, French, my life of movies and tv shows would be so much more meaningful.


Friday, June 7, 2013

A Friendly Letter.

Ciao! Today, abs and jia en came over to study at my house, it was fun. After jia en left at 4.15pm, abigail and I watched shows, ate dinner and played chatroulette, abs even slept! hahahha, sleepyhead. Anyway, I realized that I've not really blogged about my friends and stuff you know, like gave an update of love life all that, so I'm just going to do that now, maybe I'll even write a book? hahaha, that's not possible. I'm just going to show you who my friends are, as in they are my friends.

Roydon - Toys'r'us Vivocity

Dan Ying - IKEA Queenstown

Sheralyn - School

Jia En - Ice Skating

Abigail - Scape

Federica - 313

Ming Hui - Sports Day

Jia Bao - Stadium

Qian Ying - Need to take picture with her.

Rachel - School Sports Meet

Haidhar - Leadership Camp

Averil - Need to take picture with her, like seriously.

Riccardo - River Safari

Noemy - Forever 21

Angelina - Jurong Point Crystal Jade

Li Ling - Also don't know why we never take any pictures tgt.

Hanan - M.I Mart

Jeraldine - My house

Kimberley - Centrale Del Latte, Salerno, Italy

Sarah - M.I Sports Meet

Clara - Train Cabin

Yeap, Ciao!