Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Photo: Love my paramore tee. #nofilter
Привет. Thats means Ciao in Russian, my new favourite language. Apparently you know something mysterious, I can read the Russian alphabets, its like its built in me, maybe I dreamt of learning Russian of something but anyway, I can only read the pronunciation but I don't know the meaning.
Today I'm going to write about THINGS THAT SHOULDN'T EXIST IN THE WORLD. Also known as Stuff I Hate.

1. Traffic. (No way in hell am I going to be late.)
2. Wet Park Benches. (Defeats the purpose of a bench.)
3. Ankle Blisters. (Horrible, just horrible.)
4. Cramps. (Definitely the most terrible thing I've ever experienced.)
5. Flying Insects. (Your presence isn't appreciate, GTFO)

6. School Rules. (It just gives Teachers a reason to scold, sadistic bitches.)
7. Uncomfortable Chairs. (WTH are you made for if not for comfort?)
8. Headachces. (They will never leave me alone.)
9. People Who Are LATE. (Just don't bother to turn up at all, thanks.)
10. Boring TV Shows. (Nobody is watching, you have no reason to live.)

11. People Who Overeact (Seriously, get over it.)
12. Bombs. (You just add pages to history books.)
13. Smelly Toilets. (Can't believe people can be so uncivilized)
14. People Who Answer Phones At Movies. (THEY SHOULD DIE.)
15. Tripping Over. (Dammit, the clumsiness is just intolerable.)

16. Power Failure At Night. (Guess when's the best time?)
17. People Who Smell Bad. (I mean, take a shower already?)
18. Forgetting Things. (Dory much?)
19. Automatic Bathroom Equip. (They don't work do they, the auto tap, auto flush..)
20. Waiting In Line. (No way on earth we've got time for dat shit.)

10 Things I hate in School, like seriously my school.
1. They Tapping System (Serves NO purpose.)
2. Limited Colors for Shoes (I don't get it.)
3. Timetable Planner (The planner has no other purpose in life other than ruining and wasting my time.)
4. Birds in the Canteen & Cafe (Hire the Bird Killer already!)
5. Lift Limits (What is the purpose of the Lift if it is underutilized?)

6. The No. of Stairs To Get To Class (Physical Education every weekday.)
7. NAPHA TEST (It's so stupid, why must we be fit?)
8. The Admin Staff Punk(She thinks she is so good, I spit at her presence, woman who has no regard to student respect, here's all the respect I have for you bitch.)
9. My Classroom Position (It's so high...)
10. Teachers Who Put Councillors in a Difficult Position (If you think it's easy, try it, we're doing out best dammit.)

10 Things I Love in School
1. My Friends (Love them all.)
2. My Council (Lucky to have them.)
3. Late Coming-Duty (FUN OR FUN?)
4. School Proclaimed Holidays (Unexpected, I Love It.)
5. Mrs Koh (Cuz she hot.)

6. Teachers Who Try Their Best (I really appreciate it.)
7. MI.WORLD (Amazing Experience.)
8. Level of Competition (It's perfect, for me to slack and study at the same time.)
9. Funny School Spirit (It's just a joke, I like it.)
10. Chinese Teachers (They are so fun!)

So, that's about it, Привет.

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