Friday, June 21, 2013

A Hazey Week

Photo: Essentials for a haze day
Singapore's weather is so shitty that it is now normal to wear like this out.
Ciao! It's 21 June!How time flies, and now it's left with one week more to exams, yay fml. so the psi of the haze is currently 367, hurray we are all going to suffocate like what happened yesterday, asthma attack. Horribility. On 17, 18 and 19 June I studied MOB like crazy and wet out for facial. On 20 June, I woke up at 11.45am, went out at 12.15pm to go to amkhub to watch Monster's University at 12.45pm, and after the movie ate late lunch and then watched World War Z at 3.40pm. SUPER DUPER NICE MAN!!! Okay that's all! :) Ciao!

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