Wednesday, July 17, 2013

A Crazy Week

Photo: Maths. @scatteredbones @hajarrry @jerrybearr
Okay so, July 12, last friday I forgot what I was doing, July 13 stayed at home and audi with Megan, July 14 went church in the morning and studied mob the whole day. July 15, was mob exam then after that Jerry treat me eat Swensens, and then we had A Level mt oral. So easy yet hard. :(

Photo: Crazy girl is crazy.
Then 16th, which was yesterday was quite a smooth sailing day, went to sogurt with dy and qy! Today was quite hectic, during htp talk about haze? then ohya, my accounting got 10/100, and after school went to find Meryl like a finally. Then had council meeting abt tmr, must wear outside clothes sia, then say what cannot wear low cut, shorts, all those, don't wear that then wear what? Kanasai still must pay $2. Fk you.

Then had this sit-in session together with haidhar for some misunderstand and miscommunication and like Derek kept 'arguing', I mean just admit you are wrong, then we can proceed to solving the issue? I mean what for waste time and question here and there, the teachers like seriously just state the mistake, and we just learn from it, thats all, no need talk so long. We could've filmed another video and edited on the spot for that 1 hour. It would have been more productive.

Photo: Church~ LETS GO TO HEAVEN!
Then had ndp discussions with haidhar and ms quek, and I had to do the proposal just now, sibei sian. Then played audi with meg again. Tmr im like going to wear baseball shirt, and jeans, like a tomboy with long hair. yay! back to the old days. Then what you want me to wear, sleeveless also cannot. idk la. then somemore got PE, expect me to change meh, sheme niao.

Somemore on Friday is Racial Harmony Day, another council event. . . . . . I really need like a real 1 week break, no school, no bullshits, just relax can? :( And I need like someone to be like my companion, im just fking bored. BABAYAGA COME HAUNT YOU!!

Thursday, July 11, 2013

A Gaming Night

Hey everybody, IM LEFT WITH 1 PAPER, and then it's a level chinese, so screwed, my chinese sux. Anyway, on 9th July (Tuesday), I thought it was going to be horrible because of two major exams in the same day, in the end, it was quite easy. Phew! Went home to play audition with Megan, seriously omg we keep playing. On 10th July was accounting paper, can just eat shit okay. Went to JEM after the exam to meet my mum! Went shopping and stuff, so depressed, I'm so fucking fat man, when I try on the clothes I can see my thigh fats.

UGH fuck off fats or I'll vom. No joke, they make me wanna puke so badly. I dont' hate myself, I hate fats, they are sickening. After that, we went home and then I played audition with Megan until 4am today. So it was like, I started playing at 5pm to 7pm, ate dinner, and then 8pm to 4am. I feel so bad because Megan has exams, I'm such a bad friend.... seriously. I should've stopped playing so she could sleep but, I was so engrossed in the game. dammit, not again?

Anyway, woke up at 12pm today. And watched several shows! okay bye, shall continue watching! :)

Monday, July 8, 2013

A Flunked Exam.

Photo: BOO! Ugh, exams making me insane.
I tell you ah, this promos confirm 100% plus chop fail all, chinese was like wtf is this passage shitting me about, GP was like 'did i answer correctly or not?'. Maths was ''Easier than common test but still can eat shit, very unsure.'' Econs case study was ''I can't remember any shit!'' And PAA is like, ''Uhm, this is bullshit, I didn't study for any of this, why am I even here.''

Tmr will be econs paper 2, and I am like, ''shit, ive never written any essays on my own before! except common test, but this is different, no tuition, no nothing.'' And mob is like, ''Okay, I hope I can get B, and then I look at the amount of shit I have to revise and memorise, now i'm like can I even pass?'' So, I'm not even sure what I will pass, but I know that I'll most see Ss and Us. Promos 1 is just, flunked. screwed. throw in the toilet bowl, flush down into the ocean, let it find nemo and friends, hope they can understand.

Photo: You should've seen @megantanying 's face.
Since I'm really depressed, I shall go sleep now! Thanks to my other tests that I did well, mayb overall I would pass or something. hahaha. Sibei sian, buey tahan, scaryshit this one. Actually, it's mostly my fault, I don't even feel like studying. Know yesterday I play audition with Megan, like what?

Friday, July 5, 2013

A Day of Singing

Photo: Ultimate baseball fan here, just need a baseball bat to complete the picture.
Ciao! Okay so you know, this holiday cum exam period, I've completed so far these songs:
And I will post one phrase from each song as well! :)

1. Come Back
Nothing else can compare, to the love we share, you're a thousand times better.

2. Lonely Times
These simple little lovely gestures, prepare me for the lonely times.

3. I Love You More Than You Can Ever Feel
My hearts sinks more to coldness, it's heavy like an anchor in the seas.

4. Let It Out
Your happiness will never life in the palms of your foe.

5. Like The Last Time
Second chances can't be given to people like you.

6. Ugly Bitter Crying Land
Desserted hearts will say I Do when Mr Right is Holding You.

7. Freedom (Co-written with Roydon)
Even kings that reigned on earth were trapped in a cycle of power.

8. Thinking Of Me
My patience cracked up with every riddle you give.

9. Bread Song
Let's eat this bread.

Songs still in progress:
1. Me, Myself and I Forever (Co-Written with Roydon)
Just me myself and I forever, never wanted you in the picture.

2. $1.60
I'm left with $1.60, drink some coke and kick some cans.

3. Era of This Beautiful Life
Don't look back, just keep moving.

4. Freshen Up (Co-written with Roydon and Joanna)
I died my spirit came alive fresh as orange juice, rich in vitamin C.

You know what's the best part, with my all new piano, I finally figured out how to plug in the microphone, was missing the huge microphone plug in thingy, don't know what that is called. Anyway, all these exam stress is just piling the list of songs I write. Hahaha, good or bad? Ya, someday I might just be a star, and I'll invite my friends for my concerts, earn lost of money and spend it on the material world. Also, I can then pay off my tithe debts. :/

So, I'm going to read econs essays now, and kill myself. No I can't kill myself, it will deprive me of my future stardom. HAHAHA WTF. Anyway, I'm creating a band, I need a guitarist, drummer, bass player, keyboardist. Nah, i'll just be solo since I have the skills to create all parts of the song all instruments. HAHAHA BLEH. What am I dreaming, my exam is on Tuesday. I can even make my own album art.