![Photo: Maths maths maths maths mads mads mads mad.](https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/p480x480/1457528_10201067914725415_926690950_n.jpg)
AHHHH, OMG LOST GIRL IS COMING OUT, I AM SO HYPED! Those of you who don't know, my favourite TV Show is Lost Girl, I even choose it over TVD, P&F and AdTime. You should go and watch, the first episode will already blow your mind. Now it's going to be season 4 on 11 Nov, Singapore time. I know right, sucks to live so far away from Canada. So, this season, I'm hoping for some things like, VALKUBUS, I MEAN HELLO?
Dyson and Bo? This Wolf-Succubus couple, nahhh, it's like Stefan & Elena kind of relationship. So boring, I don't like boring. Dyson is so, caring, and protective and like, ugh, stay away from Bo dude.
Lauren and Bo? At first I like the chemistry between the human doctor and the succubus. You know, the first episode of season 2, or was it season 3? I forgot, they hit it off so well in the some jail-like place, I forgot what was the place called. But as time goes by, it just gets so -eughhuh-, so stale, nothing much exciting. Furthermore, the Nadia came aboard and it was like, errr, Lauren how can you just leave Bo, you ass. But then Bo and Lauren got back together, and Lauren is like so, whiny and so, clingy. I was so glad that they broke up!
Ryan and Bo? It was so sexual, haha, I mean, he is always there for Bo and stuff, somemore he treat Bo's friends so good. Plus he's rich. This dark fae is quite suitor for Bo, both saving the day together and stuff. I didn't know why Bo won't be with him, maybe because he's dark fae? Or maybe he is too horny or something. hahahaha. I mean, he got Bo a human sextoy as a gift?
Tamsin and Bo? This came as a shocker because Tamsin and Bo were like enemies. Tamsin hated Bo, Bo hated Tamsin, they basically almost killed each other. But soon later, Tamsin sort of became good, but still a badass chick. And when Bo needed to feed, Tamsin gladly let Bo feed on her. This lead to a Valkubus kind of chemistry, you know what I'm saying. I kinda like that. Badass girls are so hot. Not to mention Tamsin is very pretty.
If you don't know what I'm talking about, just go watch Lost Girl okay. So today I did maths for hours and hours, I feel so fried, and I ate so much vegetables that I feel like puking. So, ciao.
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