![Photo: Morning cartoons! #tom&jerry](https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/p480x480/554136_10201100280734545_417476420_n.jpg)
So, yesterday, went for an interview at Island Creamery in the morning, I got the job! But I can only start work at like next week or next next week! I need $ for my holiday life! Then, after that went to school for council! Then went to meet Joanne at Bishan (it was really damn fail), we ate Swensens and then she walked home with me from Bishan! (haha can see her perspiring all). It was enjoyable!! :D
Came home and did some council stuff! SO, GOODBYE FOR NOW, IM GOING TO WATCH MY SHOWS! ^^ I feel so free today, no worries about exams or whatever shit life throws at me, I DONT CARE, I LOVE IT. MAY MY WEIGHT LOSS COMMENCE.
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