![Photo: Happy Birthday @jesaysso at Marché! @wanderlustzz @jiaaaaabao @guojeiyi](https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/p480x480/999184_10200538696975302_1645237524_n.jpg)
Woo! August 13, 26 more days to Final exams. I am doomed. Ahh I ate too many Boost Cadburry until like fking flu and soar throat. Plus special side effect: DOUBLE CHIN. Yay. So on 11 August, went to watch RIPD with my family! I just love that show, so hilarious! Plus Ryan Reynolds it's just, omg, I can't even. Then on 12 August, school yesterday, woa, I nv bring like much man.
Morning had MOB, I brought my MOB File for checking, it's like so thin, and I look at my friends', wtf like comparing satay stick with dictionary. Then, ask me take out worksheet, gosh, i never even bring it. Anyway like half of the class never bring. But hello? I'm, the vp. :/ Then was econs, I never buy the Exchange Rate notes, or bring the holiday homework. Then accounting, okay luh nothing much. Then GP, I never bring my exam paper for correction. lololololololol, wtf am I doing in school.
![Photo: Finally! Home sweet home!!](https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/p480x480/1151057_10200523937046313_401433087_n.jpg)
Celebrated Jia En's Birthday in School! And went to eat at Marche, but like the Marche different from all the other Marche restaurants!?!?! it's not even like use card or something, me and abi like question mark.
Today lucky lucky tio sickness, no need go school, weeee. Skipped accounting today (shit, my accounting notes.), and PE (But like I wanna play soccer..), and maths test! And GP AND CHINESE. HAPPY GIRL IS HAPPY! Okay, I'm going to practice maths like mad later then see doctor and get MC. KTHXBYE. MUA.
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