Thursday, August 22, 2013

A contemplating Struggle

Photo: HAPPY BIRTHDAY ABS!  @scatteredbones @wanderlustzz
Photo: WAZZUP DAWG @huangpotato @hedgeehanehan @wanderlustzz @scatteredbones @hajarrry and @49lions
(wassup with my receeding hairline...)
On 20 August, I didn't go to school for similar reasons, duh who want to go to school and learn new topics when like exams are in less than 2 weeks.Wednesday, went to school for phototaking but then phototaking got postponed, yay wtf. ugh. Anyway, today is Abigail's Birthday! So we celebrated her birthday in school and then went to eat at Nandos for dinner! I ordered the Xtra Hot, which was really hot, but I llove spicy so YAYYYY. And then I ate like so many ice.

Photo: @hedgeehanehan jcube!
Photo: Tagged by @sherminngoh #20factsaboutme
1. I wear socks everywhere. 

2. I love to draw pigs and flowers on friends' papers. 

3. I suck at Chinese. 

4. I love to eat Pizza. 

5. Piano pro here !  

6. TV Shows are my dailybread. (No TV=What is Life)  

7. Blood Type O+ (unless you're a vampire don't expect me to donate blood.)

8. I love to Party~ 

9. Gemini, Born in the year of a Pig ♋️

10. I have x99999 sets of Split Personality. 

11. I go to church every Sunday. ⛪️

12. I have really cute friends: Abi, DY, Sher, Av, Meg, ETC. 

13. I HATE MILK. To the extent that, I will vomit on you. ❌

14. ITALIAN Fanatic 



17. I'm a little bit Racist. 

18. I'm Single, after dk how many failed r/s.  

19. I have a strict family. 

20. My dream is to travel around the world. ✈️

Monday, August 19, 2013

A New Career?

Today I didn't go to school, lazy much! :S Anyway, whatever luh, so boring go for what waste my time only. Can ownself study at home. Okay, I have like a new passion, I wanna like be a DJ! This coming Nov and Dec holidays, I will create my own tracks! Maybe publish them or something, then after A Levels I wanna learn spinning, and buy a DJ Set! Right now, I can only use my keyboard.

Hmm, thinking of some DJ names! Seriously, what am I doing with life. LOL. Anyway, DJ Justice? But like I googled it and someone already has that name. Here's a list of names I came up with, I'm going to consult my friends on that.. haha!

Double Bass

Know something nice like Avicii, Hardwell, Apollo, Zedd, so inspired by them! Hmm, anyway, check out my non-techno tracks! hahaha.


Sunday, August 18, 2013

A New Relationship

I just want to thank you God for everything, my life, my parents, my brother, my friends, everything in this life that I'm living. I'm alive and well, what more can I ask for? Inspired by a new show I just watched called "Save Me", I feel the need to restart a relationship with God. Baby steps for me, I want to work do His will. For now, I will start from not swearing at anything. I don't know if I can actually pull it off though, GOTTA STOP DOUBTING MYSELF!

Thursday, August 15, 2013

A Wasted Day

So like, I have not submitted any form of reflection to whatever stupid thing MI.WIRE is? I've heard of it but, not very interested, no one reads it anyway, it would be like a waste of my effort writting the reflection. I hope Haidhar does it. Hahahaha, his GP is better anyway. So Yesterday school was fantastic! Got to go home at 2pm! LIKE SUPERMOTHERFUCKINGFINALLY. Nothing much happened in school also anyway ~ Except class photo taking. Plus my school had some university fair, so me being kiasu went to grab all the brochure. LOL.

Photo: @wanderlustzz school ZZZ
Not to mention, the freebies. Anyway, like had accounting tuition at 7.30pm! I was like damn tired, but ahhh no pain no gain. Today, school was just fking bullshit. I was like debating with myself if I should go to school or not. AND IVE LET MYSELF DOWN. I chose to go to school. Morning, maths, I was like doing my own maths problems (as in I can do it more productively at home.), then PE? I helped danying's group present some weird things that the PE department wanted to do, I mean seriously, stupid programme is this man. Why can't just let those ppl on MC go study, exam coming hello.

Photo: While waiting for my dad, a clumsy spill. Hahahaha!
Then break, I just stayed in class and do econs. Then mob, Mr Sham didn't even come, so whole period like wtf, nothing much to do other than a worksheet. Then PW, I was like surfing the net for song remixes. I cannot stand Marvin seriously, the stupid autodesk is giving me problems, and like he's chasing me for the model of the product, er you think very easy is it? I took like 4 days to figure out the configurations and 5 days to model the shit, and now the whole system fucked up. I just feel damn pissed la hor, I mean I did A1 to A4 plus some other shit, gimme a fking break. It's not like I'm not trying?

Photo: My mermaid gang. @wanderlustzz @huangpotato @hedgeehanehan @hajarrry
I had to just get this shit out of my mind, sorry for offense. Anyway, after that was econs, and the teacher didn't come. So basically, the whole fking day in school, I just learned about Exercising and Depression. Which makes me think if I should go run the whole Bishan Park on Saturday. Anyway, my misery ended when school ended, went with the mermaid gang to eat popeyes at JP! :P All my beauties. Had a mini celebration of Averil's early birthday. Luv them babies.

Photo: I juz fking love Lionel the cat.
Don't even know if I should turn up in school tmr or not. Should i participate in the Ultimate Frisbee for interhouse games? The thing is, I just fail at sports yay. I can't even run man, ask me run for 2min without stopping is just impossible. The idea of running around and catching Frisbee for like idk how many minutes is just unimaginable. The stress is just so horrible man, I'm left with 3 weeks till final exams, the school ain't helping much, how is it possible to learn new topics and get tested for exams 1/2 weeks later? This just bullshit.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

A Sick Day

Photo: Happy Birthday @jesaysso at Marché! @wanderlustzz @jiaaaaabao @guojeiyi
Woo! August 13, 26 more days to Final exams. I am doomed. Ahh I ate too many Boost Cadburry until like fking flu and soar throat. Plus special side effect: DOUBLE CHIN. Yay. So on 11 August, went to watch RIPD with my family! I just love that show, so hilarious! Plus Ryan Reynolds it's just, omg, I can't even. Then on 12 August, school yesterday, woa, I nv bring like much man.

Morning had MOB, I brought my MOB File for checking, it's like so thin, and I look at my friends', wtf like comparing satay stick with dictionary. Then, ask me take out worksheet, gosh, i never even bring it. Anyway like half of the class never bring. But hello? I'm, the vp. :/ Then was econs, I never buy the Exchange Rate notes, or bring the holiday homework. Then accounting, okay luh nothing much. Then GP, I never bring my exam paper for correction. lololololololol, wtf am I doing in school.

Photo: Finally! Home sweet home!!
Celebrated Jia En's Birthday in School! And went to eat at Marche, but like the Marche different from all the other Marche restaurants!?!?! it's not even like use card or something, me and abi like question mark.
Today lucky lucky tio sickness, no need go school, weeee. Skipped accounting today (shit, my accounting notes.), and PE (But like I wanna play soccer..), and maths test! And GP AND CHINESE. HAPPY GIRL IS HAPPY! Okay, I'm going to practice maths like mad later then see doctor and get MC. KTHXBYE. MUA.

Saturday, August 10, 2013

A Partying Week

Okay so like, my life revolves around clubbing. Addicted sia, cannot help it. Machiam free like that. Where are the sugar daddies? I don't know what's wrong with me. Consumed by the darkness maybe? I need to go to church man, regain my self-righteousness. I missed church last week! Sorry Jesus... Club here club there, club everywhere, I don't even dare to tell my friends already... Today I realized that even my accounting tutor clubs, hahaha ask me to go after exams.

My cupboard and table is messy like fk. Need to pack it soon! Haven't even revise!!! Ugh all these exams like sucking the fun out of me. After this exam end, another one comes to surface. Like seriously man, give me a break. I tell you ah, after exam I will be: Practicing piano like mad, going to clubs every wednesday, finish my sketchbook, finish learning my Italian. Or whatever. So sick and tired of having to face reality apart from worldly pleasures, I need Jesus. I'm still quite a positive girl hahaha! It's okay, I can do this, confirm can yes yes yes I can! Go girl!

Finally, NDP has passed, I feel so DE-BURDENED. YEA BABY. PARTAY ALL THE WAY. Enough enough. hahahaha! Okay ciao! I'm going to like, idk what I'm doing with my life. Went to eat Thai steamboat with Jia Han and gang! SHIOK UH.

Sunday, August 4, 2013

A Club Night

Photo: Toilet stories. @wanderlustzz
THS STUPID THING IS THAT I HAVE BEEN BLOGGING IN MY OTHER BLOG, MY OLD BLOG. LOL. Anyway, whatever la. Just a brief summary of like my absence. My results suck, I pass econs and chinese, subpass GP, Maths and MOB, Fail my fking accounting. Yes. And, that I have been playing audition with mega, xav, mel and dy. Then, what else. Yes, I go to church every sunday, errr, and planning for NDP is some stressful shit. Be yourself Day, and Racial Harmony Day events in school.

Photo: Racial Harmony Day! :)
Ate buffet on Friday to celebrate aunt's birthday and I pon school for that. Cause lunch buffet. The school system is really damn shit. Like wtf, can't even buy the props for the gameshow and stuff from outside, cause they dont accept receipts, also like must buy from bookshop? The reason they give is because easier to track, bullshit la, all fking lazy pls. I am quite pissed really, sometimes I feel like giving up.

Photo: @hedgeehanehan at bugis!
Had project work meeting at Bugis Library with Hanan and Marvin last last Sunday. So, Saturday, stayed home till like evening, I went to Plaza Sing to eat dinz at Secret Recipe, and in my food got fly. So the food was free in the end. Yay! Then, kena drag into some insurance talk? But ofcourse I won't sign anything without asking my parents haha! Anyway, I already have insurance so.. yabean!

Photo: @skyxanctuary @megantanying #throwback
Photo: @megantanying Breakfast?
Then, went to meet meg at Tiong Bahru plaza, and the most epic thing happen!? Her shoe spoil!! And the next most epic thing was meeting Xavier. Like at first I was so scared of the awkwardness, but in the end meg and I not even awkward, she kept slapping my fats, damn funny! Took a cab to zouk after I superglued meg's shoes. Partied with meg, xav, mel, mel's bf, ross and stephy! So funn, wanna go again! So high at first, but like the highness fade away. We left the club at 5am! And went to Serangoon Central for breakfast, Macs+Meepok.

Waiting for Ross to send the pics!