![Photo: Look at Fede's face. @puffettaa7](https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-frc1/p480x480/486882_4972195388064_1390850912_n.jpg)
At H&M on 5 May 2013.
Ciao! The week that has passed has been a week of sadness, happiness, joy, irritated-ness, so on and so forth. It has been a meaningful week of learning and understanding. So last Sunday, my family went to the airport to fetch my dear Federica, finally I could see her, I was so happy, not to mention, I was happy to see Noemy too. We had dinner at Astons and after that, my dad drove us around town to look at the city lights, Federica was so amazed. Even I was dazzled.
![Photo: River safari with @puffettaa7 !](https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/p480x480/942902_4976003203257_1015519012_n.jpg)
At Rive Safari.
![Photo: FAT BOYS WITH @hedgeehanehan @jerrybearr @puffettaa7 @kimzbimz @scarsbeatssanity and now getting fat.](https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/p480x480/217084_4976007683369_155683306_n.jpg)
Fat Boys tgt with Jeraldine, Hanan and DanYing.
The next day was a school day. Brought Federica to school and we had Italian lesson. After that we had a classroom experience which was ofcourse boring for everyone, moreover the Italians only understand little English. Proceeded to River Safari with the whole Italian gang. Enriching experience for watch pandas eating leaves for the first time. They were so cute. However it was quite frustrating to find places were Federica and Noemy could smoke. Also the mosquitoes were quite hungry that day, and Federica might not have experienced a mosquito bite before.. After which we went to Fat Boys to have dinner.
![Photo: Si esce a festeggiare ... Grazie](https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/s320x320/935461_10201043557559512_408665582_n.jpg)
Preparing to go out!
On Tuesday, the school brought all the international students to MOE Adventure Camp, even though I liked the flying fox, the activities were not planned with consideration of wet weather. The girls were complaining a lot, 'boring, boring, che palle', at first I agreed with them, but then their complaining got repetitive and irritating. The german teacher managed to get us out from that jungle book. We went home to shower and headed to 313 to celebrate Fede's birthday. Had dinner at Kenny Rogers, and then proceeded to shop at Forever 21. Coincidentally, Sheralyn and I met up with Kimberley, Ray and Shaqaani. :)
![Photo: :)](https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/p480x480/941502_10201038224226182_1102528206_n.jpg)
On Wednesday, it was classroom experience again, che palle. After that we had an Amazing Race from Sultan Mosque to Sri Marianman Temple, to Sago Street to Esplanade. The Amazing Race was sucky, because it was not planned by well trained facilitators. My group had to wait for a teacher to find us for 1 hour at the first checkpoint, the teacher wasn't even looking for us, we had to look for the teacher. Super pissed. And at the indian temple, I freaked out and cried, resulting in me running out of the temple. Mr Ernesto understood my fear. :') Like hello, I'm a Christian, I will not be obliged to go into an indian temple. I know Jesus is with me, but still images creeps me out..
![Photo: MAKANSUTRA!!](https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn2/p480x480/179437_4984040564186_774265054_n.jpg)
Makansutra with the gang.
Brought Federica to eat at Macdonalds because apparently she is a fussy eater, really damn bekcek. This also cannot that also cannot, frigging wasted my parents money on western food. Also, she kept complaining about train rides being boring, asking me where we were eating at when she doesn't even know where the place is even if I told her. Somemore I alrdy told her, and would still ask 2 hours later, like HELLO ARE YOU EVEN LISTENING? She would walk infront of me as if she knows the place, and like I had to keep calling out to her because she was walking in the wrong direction. wtf. Then went to Makansutra and the flyer.
Okay that's it until here, the next post will be on Part 2. And the next next post will be on Part 3. And the next next next post will be on How I Met Riccardo, if you happen to be one of those who keeps asking me about Riccardo... CIAO. TI AMO.
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