![Photo: Missing my Italian babygirl. @puffettaa7](https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/p480x480/933985_10200105573667490_867918677_n.jpg)
Ciao! Continuing with Part 2 with more pictures! :) On Thursday of the hosting, went to school with Federica, and every morning she'd be like, "Jo, wifi, password." "Jo, I can facebook?". If like the wifi disappears she would say "JO! WHY NO WIFI!", and I'll be like, "idk.", I mean like how am I suppose to know where the wifi went to, it gets annoying after sometime. Fede left with the international students to visit Bukit Batok Secondary School and Princess Elizabeth Primary School, while the rest of us were rotting in school.
![Photo: Italian baby girls. @scatteredbones @puffettaa7](https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/p480x480/944493_10200098426168807_1171209986_n.jpg)
At least I could take a break from all those questions asked by Fede.. When they came back to school, we all went to support MI Girls Soccer at Jalan Besar Stadium, if rained halftime, and and 5 of us with our buddies chiong out of the stadium to Lavender MRT. Our team damn smart sia, we weren't even drenched despite the heavy rain! We found like little little shelters and found our way to the MRT. Halfway walking to the MRT, we saw the principal and a few teachers eating at a coffeeshop, wtf, m.i girls playing soccer then y'all go and drink coffee?
![Photo: Fun but tiring. @scatteredbones @kimzbimz](https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/p480x480/3595_10200098433088980_1992896040_n.jpg)
epic. After school, headed home with Fede as my mother cooked Spaghetti with pomodri e mucca sauce. So delicious, heng ah Federica liked it! If not waste my mother's effort. Thank you mamma! :) After that, rested at home, so tiring all the outings.
![Photo: Part 3! @scatteredbones @puffettaa7](https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/p480x480/247700_10200098421488690_779139889_n.jpg)
Friday, schoolday, the international students went to visit ITE West, while the rest of us normal students stuck in school. yay.. Then after school had Institute Day rehearsals for me, and for Federica she had to dance tgt with all the international students. So cute all of them dance together. I made friends with Maddy from Germany, she is like super pretty because she is Canadian-German. she speaks like American English!
![Photo: With the @scatteredbones on Thursday.](https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-frc1/p480x480/249051_4998174637529_703765977_n.jpg)
Sheralyn, Ray, Riccardo, Fede, Noemy and I went to Marina Square to have dinner. Fede and Noemy ate burger king, while the rest of us ate KFC. Damn picky you know, don't even wanna try fried chicken, they missing out a lot sia. After that, shop shop and brought Fede tgt with Ray and Riccardo to Bugis for souvenir shopping! It was so fun, but tiring! After which we went home.
Okay.... Wait for Part 3! I don't know when I'll update it, but SOOOOOON! :)