Friday, January 25, 2013

A Sad Thought.

I just read and article that said: "We fall in love with people, not genders. blablabla.. So I think that that is a better message than being like 'Ugh, two girls kissing! Isn't that gross and crazy?' It was f---ing awesome. Girls are hot." I so much so agree that Girls are hot." The person who wrote this article was talking about 2 Broke Girls, I want to see Max and Caroline together, it's just so awesome. Fuck off Andy! Even though he's hot, just fuck off.

Today went to school, it was pretty much tiring. This year's econs compared to last year's econs have a huge difference, swear!! Because Mrs Pow is pregnant but Mr Raj is not fully pregnant (I think around 3months? can only see a little baby bump.) I'm joking. ;) So like, did an essay during chinese class, which I just ripped off from the net. Okay, not really ripped off but, just half! I copied half, and I wrote half myself.

Photo: Cooked dinner in 10mins!!! Vege + Mushroom + Bacon
Htp was on CIP, and the boys are just horrible, that's why I don't like them. *wink, you know what I mean. Ugh, I have a boyfriend who pissed me off yesterday and still thinks everything is fine. THIS IS SO NOT OKAY. ):< Ah whatever. Moving on, went home and played Sims, watched 2 Broke Girls and cooked dinner! But have not touched my homework.

So that's about it for today. I don't know if I will regret my decision, should I just end it now, because I can't do this anymore. Boo. ): Non ti piace, perche, mi piace qualcon altrro.

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