Monday, September 30, 2013

A Healing Tattoo

Cannot cannot cannot cannot, my tattoo is fking itchy, it clearly means its healing fast. I wanna scratch it but like, ugh I can't! :( Okay anyway, 27 September MY MASTERCHEF JUNIOR CAME OUT SO FKING HAPPY AND EXCITED NOW ALOT OF NEW SHOWS I CANT FKING WAIT TO WATCH ESPECIALLY ON 4 OCT WHEN THE ORIGINAL COMES OUT AHHHHH.

Photo: YAYYY can order class photos alrdy!
Okay Jo, you needa maintain, A Levels are coming. NOOOOOO. It's like, I feel like my O's have just finished and now I'm actually starting on my A's. yayyy to my freaky study no life. Can't really remember what I did for the weekends. But anyway, today is a damn ZZZ day, those people who didn't come, good for you. :(

The day started out right though, but it also sucks. So I went to school at 8am instead of 9am because I had to do 2 assemblies. Guess what? It rained so no 8am assembly, can't believe I missed my 1 hour extra sleep. Its ok. 9am assembly, I had pledge duty. Mr Azman, Mr Zachary Lim, Mdm Yani all commented on my duty performance today, they said, ''VERY GOOD INITATIVE.'' Then Mr Azman praised me, ''HOPE YOUR INITIATIVE CAN RUB ONTO THE OTHER COUNCILLORS.'' I was like YAYYY. If you wanna know what I did... Just ask me, shy ley.

Photo: Lobster pomodoro at Canopy!! With @wanderlustzz @jesaysso
Anyway, first period was PE. Ran frigging 3 rounds on the track, played captain's ball and ultimate frisbee but no kik ley, I still felt damn restless like ugh get it done and over with PE alrdy thx. Then had break, NO CARB DIET UH. Then had 2 periods of maths, very productive. Then didn't have mother tongue, so like the whole day I have 4 period day, YAY FKING WASTED.

Photo: Bishan Park w my buds. @jesaysso @wanderlustzz
Then after that 4 periods of maths at LR2. ZZZZ I really felt like shit ok, damn dry the lesson, I cannot even. Anyway right, after school, chiong ahhh, CHIONG TO BISHAN PARK TO EAT AT CANOPY with Abi and Jia en! Then went home~ :D OKAY THATS IT GOTTA DO MY CHINESE NOW, CIAO.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

A Hibernation Period

HI GUYS, SO THESE FEW DAYS I HAVE BEEN HIBERNATING, EXCEPT TODAY, I went out, mostly to boonkeng, mostly to eat. You have no idea how much I have eaten and spent today. So, for those that do not know, I have a tattoo? Answer is yes. Oh and I can't wait for Cera to come to SG. Needa pack my house. So, i'm taking the day off from school tomorrow to pack my house.

Like who in the right mind would go to school after like not going to school from tuesday to thursday, might as well add one more day to take 'leave' hahaha. anyway i'm unpaid what. So now that I'm home, I'm gna watch some tv ~~~ :D CIAO, TI VOGLIO BENE, K I MISS FEDERICA.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

A Parade Of Tv Shows

Today I'll be blogging about shows that I always watch and going to watch, so if you feel bored at home or whatever just watch these shows, they will definitely get you addicted, I swear you will love them! Watch everything here and you will never be bored.


Vampire Diaries Season 5 - 3 November 2013

2 Broke Girls Season 3 - 23 September 2013

New Girl Season 3 - 17 September 2013

Lost Girl Season 4 - 11 November 2013

Green Arrow Season 2 - 9 October 2013

Revolution Season 2 - 25 September 2013


Junior Masterchef USA Season 1 - 27 September 2013

Once Upon A Time in Wonderland Season 1- 10 October 2013

The Originals Season 1 - 3 October 2013 (SPIN-OFF FROM TVD)

Reign Season 1 - 10 October 2013 (SAME CHANNEL AS TVD SHOULD BE NICE.)

Dracula Season 1 - 23 October 2013

The Tomorrow People Season 1 - 9 October 2013 (should be nice.)

Welcome To The Family - 3 October 2013

AGENTS OF S.H.I.E.L.D Season 1 - September 2013

Sleepy Hollow Season 1 - 16 September 2013

Witches Of East End - 6 October 2013

Current Show You Should WATCH!!!!

ANTM Cycle 20

Teen Wolf

Switched At Birth

The Lying Game


Baby Daddy

Dog With A Blog

Goodluck Charlie


Save Me


The White Queen

Carrie Diaries

White Collar


Monday, September 23, 2013

A Fun Weekend

Photo: Napnapnapnap #escapefromexams
Okay! I'm so happy I'm alive! I don't care what you say, I just fucking treasure my life that I want to live it to the fullest! So anyway, a little update since 15 Sep! AHHHH, SEPTEMBER IS GNA END, WOOHOO. So on the 16th my exam started again, with MOB, which was like errrrr okay la, easier than promo 1! Then 17th, had econs exam, then 18th no school! Then 19th accounting exam, then 20th was MOB again.

Omg, 20th is like the best day ever? I mean like, I felt like exams was over and it was time to partay. I was supposed to go to Hardwell, I had the ticket, I bought it for $78 and I sold it for $120. hehhhh. This is called money minded. But other people sold it for $150... Anyway, where did I go instead? I went to F1! Bought the tickets from Jia Han because that pig wanna watch the Big Bang concert. So being such a good friend, I went to buy it from JH, anyway I'm like helping 2 friends. YAY.

Photo: F1 :D
We met at 6pm at City Hall, it was a super long walk to our concert area man. Everyone was sitting down on mats on the field waiting for the concert. So like, from 6.30pm to 9.15pm, meg and I sat down and wait for the concert. My only entertainment was the stupid F1 huge screen thingy. You might think I'm stupid like since I'm already there what for watch from the screen can watch from inside what. The management said if we go out from the concert area, we cant go back in. I mean like seriously? I was hungry AGAIN. :(

Photo: 1st time to F1 tomorrow! Thanks to @mrjokeredward ! Anyone wants to watch Rihanna at a cheaper price? Contact him!
Thank goodness meg was with me because she herself is like an entertainment. opps. then from 9.15pm, I was like, "OMG MEG WE NEED TO STAND BEFORE OTHER PEOPLE START STANDING.". I had been saying that since like 7.30pm, and that girl dont want move her butt. Anyway we stood up and hopped to the front, like stepping on other people's mats and stuff. And we were looking at all the other losers who queued at 9pm the day before, while we came at 6pm and still can be infront. LOL. this is called talent and skill.

Photo: So... I went to Big Bang concert.  with @vxmpira !
Anyway, 1 min later. EVERYONE STARTED STANDING AND PUSHING US TO THE MORE FRONT. LOL. Like phew, 1 fking minute was the determining factor of whether we were gna stand in front or the middle. We were all standing for like 2hours, until 11.15pm then the concert start. Can't believe I did that. My back aching like mad I tell you. Crazy things I do for nothing, why the hell would I skip a Hardwell concert to go to Big Bang. Omg wtf is wrong with me, stupid or mad? But anyway, the Big Bang concert quite enjoyable, everyone jumping and all. Meg was like so happy.

After the concert we managed to squeeze our way out until the MRT and took the last train! LUCKY SHIT. We went cabbed to zouk after we alighted at Tiong Bahru MRT. Cab fare is just.. OK THEN IDK WHAT HAPPENED IN THE CLUB EXCEPT THAT SHER AND THE REST DISAPPEARED HUH. D:< So left with Me, Abigail and Meg!

Photo: @wanderlustzz KOREAN BBQ delish!!

Sunday, September 15, 2013

A Fattening Do Nothing Week

Photo: MOB last warning I tell you.
If you didn't read the last post, I will just write it here. P = Another name for my studies, because P means Pathetic. This stupid need/hate r/s I have got going on with my studies really need to stop. Anyway, yesterday around midnight plus plus, my father went to the hospital. Not gna tell you what he's diagnosed with. :(

So a quick update on my studies? Nothing is going well, the whole holiday is like, wtf was I even doing. Though I remade notes, I still use my old notes, like fk my effort is wasted man. All the time spent wasted. Really can't wait for exams to end. Then I can play like mad alrdy. Like econs, oh man, I nv even touch a single shit on that. Accounting? Need I say much? MOB is just the worst shit ever.

Like I mean hello, frigging how many topics man, even though Mr Sham like cut down the topics by alot (or so he said) there's still a truckload of chapters man. Like HRM is a huge ass chapter! Marketing consists of Intro, sales forecast, price, product, promotion and place? Like errr, can you pls at elast specify. Then on production there is the types of production, total quality management, stock control?? I'm not a fking genius man.

These days I have been eating so much, I feel so sick and fat. Like, mooncake, I ate dk how many, 1 mooncake is like 1000 calories, can you believe that shit. And I ate like how many. Eclipse, oh man, i'm addicted to that sweet.And chocolates, idk why my mum bought so much. My meals this week consists of Pizza and Porridge and Pasta. Double chin here I come. Somemore like next friday gng to Hardwell & Zouk, like how am I going to show my face.

Friday, September 13, 2013

A Forbidden Love

Love makes the world go around, it's like the creation of all the drama shows, it's the creation of the music industry, it's the creation of the world. It's so easy yet so hard. It's so simple yet so complicated. I mean what's the problem with, I love you and you love me without any other things in between. Right? It's so hard to love something that I can't. Let me tell you my story, okay, I'll name this thing P.

So, you know, so P and I have been spending alot of time lately, especially this holiday, on Sunday, Tuesday, Wedmesday, Today, tomorrow and this coming Sunday as well. The thing is see, P, being P, when I talk to something, P doesn't really reply. It's getting on my nerves. It's so horrible because I can't sleep without thinking about P.

So like yesterday, I spent the whole day without P, it was killing because I know that I have to spend time with P. Hence the entire night, I couldn't really sleep. Like I would lie on my bed at 11pm then sleep till 12am and wake up. I felt so uncomfortable, my heart was racing like mad. And then I tried to sleep again at 1am, and woke up at 3am. And then went to sleep again and woke up at 5am, waking up every 2 hours ain't gna solve my misery. I have to deal with this shit for like entire night and morning. 

Thankfully, today I spent alot of time with P, like hours, yet I felt so unfulfilled. So I went to be alone for awhile, and came back to continue being with P. And then I felt that I was very tired of P, so I just went to bed. And then P was like, calling out for me nonfkingstop. I mean like shut the fk up already bitch. Just fking leave me alone k. But then I thought very hard about the obstacles coming towards us and went back out. I'ts like sometimes I like P with P's different personalities, but yet I hate P when P's so damn fking difficult. Know what I'm talking about, you wanna guess who P is? I try my best to love P, but I just can't.

But the thing is, without P, i can go nowhere. 


Thursday, September 12, 2013

A Beautiful Day

Photo: I'm like so tall, like a finally!
Photo: Today is a dream.
Today was a beautiful day, uncle got married! :D I helped him do slideshow all plus reception. Not bad, I'm such a good niece. Anyway, so the day was fun with my cousins and all! Did zero studying, fking shit, my exams are llike. :/ Anyway, right now, I'm just like questioning myself what do I really want. Some of you will pretty much know that i'm not like a normal person who just wants to find a guy, settle down and have children. No way in hell am I doing that like so swiftly.

Photo: It's piano time baby.
Photo: Lying down in the car, gonna ruin my outfit.
Some other stuffs in my way are. Like, I mean,  like, I can't make up my mind and all. girls, boys, non-asians, like errr, ugh, whatever, I'm just gna leave it for now. Can't have too much on my mind. Furthermore there is someone I really really like, but I just can't bring myself to say or even acknowledge it. WHY.

Monday, September 9, 2013

A Simple Fact

Some before and after pictures of my sims house. BUILT IN VS AFTER RENOVATION BY ME.
Built-in. (Above)
After Renovation. (Below) 

Second Level:
 Before (Above)
After (Below)

I'm just gna like, tell you facts abt my current situation.

1) IDK WHAT THE FK AM I DOING WITH MY LIFE. I'm gna like try to fulfill some of my goals.

2) MY HEART FEELS FKING LONELY LOL. I need to go find someone special. ;)

3) I HAVE ZERO MOTIVATION TO STUDY. I'm just gna ask Jesus for the motivation and wisdom.

4) MY MONEY IS DEPLETING LIKE MAD. Ugh, why did I even wanna go for the concert. :(

5) IM GETTING FAT W MOONCAKES. I have to stop eating and start starving.

6) MY BESTFRIEND MOVED. I should find a girl-bestfriend.

7) I HAVE BEEN COOKING MY MEALS. Maybe I should become a chef?

8) I HAVE BEEN DOING MY ITALIAN WORKBOOK. By the end of this year, I'm gna be fluent bitch.

9) MY SKIN IS SO DRY EVEN THE SAHARA DESSERT IS MORE MOIST. I'm gna start using my moisturizer, hate the smell.

10) MY EYESIGHT IS FAILING. I need to stop using this shit that I'm using now.

so maybe your life seems so much happier now, I shall indulge in sad african baby books to feel good about myself. Anyway, today was a great day!